Class DefaultHeaderFillerFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultHeaderFillerFactory

        public DefaultHeaderFillerFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createFiller

        public HeaderFiller createFiller​(String value,
                                         String headerName,
                                         boolean required,
                                         Class<?> interfaceClass,
                                         Object clientProxy)
        Description copied from interface: HeaderFillerFactory
        Creates HeaderFiller, will be called once for each method with ClientHeaderParam annotation
        Specified by:
        createFiller in interface HeaderFillerFactory
        value - value of the annotation
        headerName - name of the header to generate
        required - if true, a failure of header computation will fail the rest client invocation
        interfaceClass - JAX-RS interface class
        clientProxy - proxy object
        an object that can generate the header value