Class Feed

  • public class Feed
    extends Source

    Per RFC4287:

     The "atom:feed" element is the document (i.e., top-level) element of
     an Atom Feed Document, acting as a container for metadata and data
     associated with the feed.  Its element children consist of metadata
     elements followed by zero or more atom:entry child elements.
     atomFeed =
       element atom:feed {
            & atomCategory*
            & atomContributor*
            & atomGenerator?
            & atomIcon?
            & atomId
            & atomLink*
            & atomLogo?
            & atomRights?
            & atomSubtitle?
            & atomTitle
            & atomUpdated
            & extensionElement*),
     This specification assigns no significance to the order of atom:entry
     elements within the feed.
     The following child elements are defined by this specification (note
     that the presence of some of these elements is required):
     o  atom:feed elements MUST contain one or more atom:author elements,
        unless all of the atom:feed element's child atom:entry elements
        contain at least one atom:author element.
     o  atom:feed elements MAY contain any number of atom:category
     o  atom:feed elements MAY contain any number of atom:contributor
     o  atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:generator
     o  atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:icon
     o  atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:logo
     o  atom:feed elements MUST contain exactly one atom:id element.
     o  atom:feed elements SHOULD contain one atom:link element with a rel
        attribute value of "self".  This is the preferred URI for
        retrieving Atom Feed Documents representing this Atom feed.
     o  atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:link
        element with a rel attribute value of "alternate" that has the
        same combination of type and hreflang attribute values.
     o  atom:feed elements MAY contain additional atom:link elements
        beyond those described above.
     o  atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:rights
     o  atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:subtitle
     o  atom:feed elements MUST contain exactly one atom:title element.
     o  atom:feed elements MUST contain exactly one atom:updated element.
     If multiple atom:entry elements with the same atom:id value appear in
     an Atom Feed Document, they represent the same entry.  Their
     atom:updated timestamps SHOULD be different.  If an Atom Feed
     Document contains multiple entries with the same atom:id, Atom
     Processors MAY choose to display all of them or some subset of them.
     One typical behavior would be to display only the entry with the
     latest atom:updated timestamp.
    $Revision: 1 $
    Bill Burke
    • Constructor Detail

      • Feed

        public Feed()
    • Method Detail

      • getEntries

        public List<Entry> getEntries()