JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Part II. User interface components

Table of Contents

8. Rich inputs
8.1. <rich:autocomplete>
8.1.1. Basic usage
8.1.2. Submission modes
8.1.3. Interactivity options
8.1.4. Customizing the filter in client and lazyClient modes
8.1.5. JavaScript API
8.1.6. Reference data
8.1.7. Style classes and skin parameters
8.2. <rich:calendar>
8.2.1. Basic usage
8.2.2. Behavior and appearance
8.2.3. Time of day
8.2.4. Localization and formatting
8.2.5. Using a data model
8.2.6. Client-side customization
8.2.7. JavaScript API
8.2.8. Reference data
8.2.9. Style classes and skin parameters
8.3. <rich:fileUpload>
8.3.1. Basic usage
8.3.2. Upload settings
8.3.3. Interactivity options
8.3.4. <rich:fileUpload> client-side events
8.3.5. Reference data
8.3.6. Style classes and skin parameters
8.4. <rich:inplaceInput>
8.4.1. Basic usage
8.4.2. Interactivity options
8.4.3. JavaScript API
8.4.4. Reference data
8.4.5. Style classes and skin parameters
8.5. <rich:inplaceSelect>
8.5.1. Basic usage
8.5.2. Interactivity options
8.5.3. JavaScript API
8.5.4. Reference data
8.5.5. Style classes and skin parameters
8.6. <rich:inputNumberSlider>
8.6.1. Basic usage
8.6.2. Interactivity options
8.6.3. JavaScript API
8.6.4. Reference data
8.6.5. Style classes and skin parameters
8.7. <rich:inputNumberSpinner>
8.7.1. Basic usage
8.7.2. Interactivity options
8.7.3. JavaScript API
8.7.4. Reference data
8.7.5. Style classes and skin parameters
8.8. <rich:select>
8.8.1. Basic usage
8.8.2. Using manual input
8.8.3. Advanced options
8.8.4. JavaScript API
8.8.5. Reference data
8.8.6. Style classes and skin parameters
9. Panels
9.1. <rich:panel>
9.1.1. Basic usage
9.1.2. Adding a header
9.1.3. Reference data
9.1.4. Style classes and skin parameters
9.2. <rich:accordion>
9.2.1. Basic usage
9.2.2. Switching panels
9.2.3. <rich:accordion> client-side events
9.2.4. <rich:accordion> server-side events
9.2.5. JavaScript API
9.2.6. Reference data
9.2.7. Style classes and skin parameters
9.2.8. <rich:accordionItem>
9.3. <rich:collapsiblePanel>
9.3.1. Basic usage
9.3.2. Expanding and collapsing the panel
9.3.3. Appearance
9.3.4. <rich:collapsiblePanel> server-side events
9.3.5. JavaScript API
9.3.6. Reference data
9.3.7. Style classes and skin parameters
9.3.8. <rich:panelToggleListener>
9.4. <rich:popupPanel>
9.4.1. Basic usage
9.4.2. Showing and hiding the pop-up
9.4.3. Modal and non-modal panels
9.4.4. Size and positioning
9.4.5. Header and controls
9.4.6. Contents of the pop-up
9.4.7. JavaScript API
9.4.8. Reference data
9.4.9. Style classes and skin parameters
9.5. <rich:tabPanel>
9.5.1. Switching panels
9.5.2. <rich:tabPanel> client-side events
9.5.3. <rich:tabPanel> server-side events
9.5.4. JavaScript API
9.5.5. Reference data
9.5.6. Style classes and skin parameters
9.5.7. <rich:tab>
9.6. <rich:togglePanel>
9.6.1. Basic usage
9.6.2. Toggling between components
9.6.3. JavaScript API
9.6.4. Reference data
9.6.5. <rich:itemChangeListener>
9.6.6. <rich:toggleControl>
9.6.7. <rich:togglePanelItem>
10. Tables and grids
10.1. <a4j:repeat>
10.1.1. Basic usage
10.1.2. Limited views and partial updates
10.1.3. Reference data
10.2. <rich:dataTable>
10.2.1. Basic usage
10.2.2. Customizing the table
10.2.3. Partial updates
10.2.4. JavaScript API
10.2.5. Reference data
10.2.6. Style classes and skin parameters
10.3. <rich:column>
10.3.1. Basic usage
10.3.2. Spanning columns
10.3.3. Spanning rows
10.3.4. Reference data
10.4. <rich:columnGroup>
10.4.1. Complex headers
10.4.2. Reference data
10.5. <rich:collapsibleSubTable>
10.5.1. Basic usage
10.5.2. Expanding and collapsing the sub-table
10.5.3. Reference data
10.5.4. Style classes
10.5.5. <rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler>
10.6. <rich:extendedDataTable>
10.6.1. Basic usage
10.6.2. Table appearance
10.6.3. Extended features
10.6.4. JavaScript API
10.6.5. Reference data
10.6.6. Style classes and skin parameters
10.7. <rich:dataGrid>
10.7.1. Basic usage
10.7.2. Customizing the grid
10.7.3. Partial updates
10.7.4. Reference data
10.7.5. Style classes and skin parameters
10.8. <rich:list>
10.8.1. Basic usage
10.8.2. Type of list
10.8.3. Bullet and numeration appearance
10.8.4. Customizing the list
10.8.5. Reference data
10.8.6. Style classes and skin parameters
10.9. <rich:dataScroller>
10.9.1. Basic usage
10.9.2. Appearance and interactivity
10.9.3. JavaScript API
10.9.4. Reference data
10.9.5. Style classes and skin parameters
10.10. Table filtering
10.11. Table sorting
11. Trees
11.1. <rich:tree>
11.1.1. Basic usage
11.1.2. Appearance
11.1.3. Expanding and collapsing tree nodes
11.1.4. Selecting tree nodes
11.1.5. Identifying nodes with the rowKeyConverter attribute
11.1.6. Event handling
11.1.7. Reference data
11.1.8. Style classes
11.1.9. <rich:treeSelectionChangeListener>
11.1.10. <rich:treeNode>
11.2. Tree adaptors
11.2.1. <rich:treeModelAdaptor>
11.2.2. <rich:treeModelRecursiveAdaptor>
12. Menus and toolbars
12.1. <rich:dropDownMenu>
12.1.1. Basic usage
12.1.2. Menu content
12.1.3. Appearance
12.1.4. Expanding and collapsing the menu
12.1.5. Reference data
12.1.6. Style classes and skin parameters
12.2. Menu sub-components
12.2.1. <rich:menuItem>
12.2.2. <rich:menuGroup>
12.2.3. <rich:menuSeparator>
12.3. <rich:panelMenu>
12.3.1. Basic usage
12.3.2. Interactivity options
12.3.3. Appearance
12.3.4. Submission modes
12.3.5. <rich:panelMenu> server-side events
12.3.6. JavaScript API
12.3.7. Reference data
12.3.8. Style classes and skin parameters
12.3.9. <rich:panelMenuGroup>
12.3.10. <rich:panelMenuItem>
12.4. <rich:toolbar>
12.4.1. Basic usage
12.4.2. Appearance
12.4.3. Grouping items
12.4.4. Reference data
12.4.5. Style classes and skin parameters
12.4.6. <rich:toolbarGroup>
13. Output and messages
13.1. <rich:message>
13.1.1. Basic usage
13.1.2. Appearance
13.1.3. Reference data
13.1.4. Style classes and skin parameters
13.2. <rich:messages>
13.2.1. Basic usage
13.2.2. Appearance
13.2.3. Reference data
13.2.4. Style classes and skin parameters
13.3. <rich:progressBar>
13.3.1. Basic usage
13.3.2. Customizing the appearance
13.3.3. Update mode
13.3.4. Using set intervals
13.3.5. JavaScript API
13.3.6. Reference data
13.3.7. Style classes and skin parameters
13.4. <rich:tooltip>
13.4.1. Basic usage
13.4.2. Attaching the tool-tip to another component
13.4.3. Appearance
13.4.4. Update mode
13.4.5. <rich:tooltip> client-side events
13.4.6. JavaScript API
13.4.7. Reference data
13.4.8. Style classes and skin parameters
14. Drag and drop
14.1. <rich:dragSource>
14.1.1. Basic usage
14.1.2. Dragging an object
14.1.3. Reference data
14.2. <rich:dropTarget>
14.2.1. Basic usage
14.2.2. Handling dropped data
14.2.3. Reference data
14.2.4. Style classes
14.3. <rich:dragIndicator>
14.3.1. Basic usage
14.3.2. Styling the indicator
14.3.3. Reference data
14.3.4. Style classes
15. Layout and appearance
15.1. <rich:jQuery>
15.1.1. Basic usage
15.1.2. Defining a selector
15.1.3. Event handlers
15.1.4. Timed queries
15.1.5. Named queries
15.1.6. Dynamic rendering
15.1.7. Reference data
16. Functions
16.1. rich:clientId
16.2. rich:component
16.3. rich:element
16.4. rich:findComponent
16.5. rich:isUserInRole
17. Functionality extension
17.1. <rich:componentControl>
17.1.1. Basic usage
17.1.2. Passing parameters to API methods
17.1.3. Reference data
17.1.4. <rich:hashParam>