Source: togglePanel.js

 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
 * Copyright ${year}, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors
 * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
 * full listing of individual contributors.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
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 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:

(function ($, rf) {

    rf.ui = rf.ui || {};

    /* SIMPLE INNER CLASS for handle switch operation*/
    function SwitchItems(comp) {
        this.comp = comp;

    SwitchItems.prototype = {

         * @param {TogglePanelItem} oldPanel
         * @param {TogglePanelItem} newPanel
         * @return {void}
         * */
        exec : function (oldPanel, newPanel) {
            if (newPanel.switchMode == "server") {
                return this.execServer(oldPanel, newPanel);
            } else if (newPanel.switchMode == "ajax") {
                return this.execAjax(oldPanel, newPanel);
            } else if (newPanel.switchMode == "client") {
                return this.execClient(oldPanel, newPanel);
            } else {
                rf.log.error("SwitchItems.exec : unknown switchMode (" + this.comp.switchMode + ")");

         * @protected
         * @param {TogglePanelItem} oldPanel
         * @param {TogglePanelItem} newPanel
         * @return {Boolean} false
         * */
        execServer : function (oldPanel, newPanel) {
            if (oldPanel) {
                var continueProcess = oldPanel.__leave();
                if (!continueProcess) {
                    return false;



            return false;

         * @protected
         * @param {TogglePanelItem} oldPanel
         * @param {TogglePanelItem} newPanel
         * @return {Boolean} false
         * */
        execAjax : function (oldPanel, newPanel) {
            var options = $.extend({}, this.comp.options["ajax"], {}/*this.getParameters(newPanel)*/);

            rf.ajax(, null, options);

            if (oldPanel) {

            return false;

         * @protected
         * @param {TogglePanelItem} oldPanel
         * @param {TogglePanelItem} newPanel
         * @return {undefined}
         *             - false - if process has been terminated
         *             - true  - in other cases
         * */
        execClient : function (oldPanel, newPanel) {
            if (oldPanel) {
                var continueProcess = oldPanel.__leave();
                if (!continueProcess) {
                    return false;


            this.comp.__fireItemChange(oldPanel, newPanel);

            return true;

         * @private
         * */
        __getParentForm : function () {
            return $(rf.getDomElement('form:first');

         * @private
         * */
        __setActiveItem : function (name) {
            rf.getDomElement(this.__getValueInputId()).value = name;
            this.comp.activeItem = name;

         * @private
         * */
        __getValueInputId: function () {
            return + "-value"

     * @class TogglePanel
     * @name TogglePanel
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} componentId - component id
     * @param {Hash} options - params
     * */
    rf.ui.TogglePanel = rf.BaseComponent.extendClass({

            // class name

            init : function (componentId, options) {
                $, componentId);

                this.items = [];

                this.options = $.extend(this.options, options || {});
                this.activeItem = this.options.activeItem;


            /***************************** Public Methods  ****************************************************************/

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#getSelectItem
             * @return {String} name of current selected panel item
            getSelectItem: function () {
                return this.activeItem;

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#switchToItem
             * @param {String} name - panel item name to switch
             *           we can use meta names @first, @prev, @next and @last
             * @return {Boolean} - false if something wrong and true if all is ok
            switchToItem: function (name) {
                var newPanel = this.getNextItem(name);
                if (newPanel == null) {
                    rf.log.warn("TogglePanel.switchToItems(" + name + "): item with name '" + name + "' not found");
                    return false;

                var oldPanel = this.__getItemByName(this.getSelectItem());

                var continueProcess = this.__fireBeforeItemChange(oldPanel, newPanel);
                if (!continueProcess) {
                    rf.log.warn("TogglePanel.switchToItems(" + name + "): switch has been canceled by beforeItemChange event");
                    return false

                return this.__itemsSwitcher().exec(oldPanel, newPanel);

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#getNextItem
             * @param {String} name of TogglePanelItem or meta name (@first | @prev | @next | @last)
             * @return {TogglePanelItem} null if item not found
            getNextItem : function (name) {
                if (name) {
                    var newItemIndex = this.__ITEMS_META_NAMES[name];
                    if (newItemIndex) {
                        return this.__getItem(newItemIndex(this));
                    } else {
                        return this.__getItemByName(name);
                } else {
                    return this.__getItemByName(this.nextItem());

             * please, remove this method when client side ajax events will be added
             * */
            onCompleteHandler : function (newItemName) {
                var oldItem = this.__getItemByName(this.activeItem);
                var newItem = this.__getItemByName(newItemName);

                // Don't do like this and remove it ASAP
                this.__itemsSwitcher().execClient(oldItem, newItem);

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#getItems
             * @return {TogglePanelItem[]} all defined panel items
            getItems : function () {
                return this.items;

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#getItemsNames
             * @return {String[]} names of all defined items
            getItemsNames: function () {
                var res = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {

                return res;

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#nextItem
             * @param {String} [itemName = activeItem]
             * @return {String} name of next panel item
            nextItem: function (itemName) {
                var itemIndex = this.__getItemIndex(itemName || this.activeItem);
                if (itemIndex == -1) {
                    return null;

                return this.__getItemName(itemIndex + 1);

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#firstItem
             * @return {String} name of first panel item
            firstItem: function () {
                return this.__getItemName(0);

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#lastItem
             * @return {String} name of last panel item
            lastItem: function () {
                return this.__getItemName(this.items.length - 1);

             * @methodOf
             * @name TogglePanel#prevItem
             * @param {String} itemName
             * @return {String} name of prev panel item
             *                  null if it is first item
            prevItem: function (itemName) {
                var itemIndex = this.__getItemIndex(itemName || this.activeItem);
                if (!this.options.cycledSwitching && itemIndex < 1) {
                    return null;

                return this.__getItemName(itemIndex - 1);

            //// Private

            /********************* Methods *************************/

            __itemsSwitcher : function () {
                return new SwitchItems(this);

            __ITEMS_META_NAMES : (function () {
                function goFrom(comp, ind, step) {
                    var res = ind;
                    while ((!comp.items[res] || comp.items[res].disabled) && res < comp.items.length && res > 0) {
                        res += step;
                    return res;

                return {
                    "@first" : function (comp) {
                        return goFrom(comp, 0, 1);

                    "@prev"  : function (comp) {
                        return goFrom(comp, parseInt(comp.__getItemIndex(comp.activeItem)) - 1, -1);

                    "@next"  : function (comp) {
                        return goFrom(comp, parseInt(comp.__getItemIndex(comp.activeItem)) + 1, 1);

                    "@last"  : function (comp) {
                        return goFrom(comp, comp.items.length - 1, -1);

             * @private
             * */
            __getItemIndex : function (itemName) {
                var item;
                for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
                    item = this.items[i];
                    if (!item.disabled && item.getName() === itemName) {
                        return i;

      "TogglePanel.getItemIndex: item with name '" + itemName + "' not found");
                return -1;

             * @private
             * */
            __addUserEventHandler : function (name) {
                var handler = this.options["on" + name];
                if (handler) {
                    rf.Event.bindById(, name, handler);

             * @private
             * @param {Number} index - array index
             * @return {TogglePanelItem}
             *    null - if item not found
             * */
            __getItem : function (index) {
                if (this.options.cycledSwitching) {
                    var size = this.items.length;
                    return this.items[(size + index) % size]
                } else if (index >= 0 && index < this.items.length) {
                    return this.items[index]
                } else {
                    return null;

            __getItemByName : function (name) {
                return this.__getItem(this.__getItemIndex(name));

            __getItemName : function (index) {
                var item = this.__getItem(index);
                if (item == null) {
                    return null;

                return item.getName();

             * Fire Concealable Event
             * */

            __fireItemChange : function (oldItem, newItem) {
                return new rf.Event.fireById(, "itemchange", {
                        oldItem : oldItem,
                        newItem : newItem

            __fireBeforeItemChange : function (oldItem, newItem) {
                return rf.Event.fireById(, "beforeitemchange", {
                        oldItem : oldItem,
                        newItem : newItem

    // define super class link
    var $super = rf.ui.TogglePanel.$super;
})(RichFaces.jQuery, RichFaces);