SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation

Part I. Solder

Table of Contents

3. Getting Started
3.1. Maven dependency configuration
3.2. Transitive dependencies
3.3. Pre-Servlet 3.0 configuration
4. Enhancements to the CDI Programming Model
4.1. Preventing a class from being processed
4.1.1. @Veto
4.1.2. @Requires
4.2. @Exact
4.3. @Client
4.4. Named packages
4.5. @FullyQualified bean names
5. Annotation Literals
6. Evaluating Unified EL
6.1. @Resolver
7. Resource Loading
7.1. Extending the Resource Loader
8. Logging, redesigned
8.1. JBoss Logging: The foundation
8.2. Solder Logging: Feature set
8.3. Typed loggers
8.4. Native logger API
8.5. Typed message bundles
8.6. Implementation classes
8.6.1. Generating the implementation classes
8.6.2. Including the implementation classes in Arquillian tests
9. Annotation and AnnotatedType Utilities
9.1. Annotated Type Builder
9.2. Annotation Instance Provider
9.3. Annotation Inspector
9.4. Synthetic Qualifiers
9.5. Reflection Utilities
10. Obtaining a reference to the BeanManager
11. Bean Utilities
12. Properties
12.1. Working with properties
12.2. Querying for properties
12.3. Property Criteria
12.3.1. AnnotatedPropertyCriteria
12.3.2. NamedPropertyCriteria
12.3.3. TypedPropertyCriteria
12.3.4. Creating a custom property criteria
12.4. Fetching the results
13. Unwrapping Producer Methods
14. Default Beans
15. Generic Beans
15.1. Using generic beans
15.2. Defining Generic Beans
16. Service Handler
17. XML Configuration Introduction
17.1. Getting Started
17.2. The Princess Rescue Example
18. Solder Config XML provider
18.1. XML Namespaces
18.2. Adding, replacing and modifying beans
18.3. Applying annotations using XML
18.4. Configuring Fields
18.4.1. Initial Field Values
18.4.2. Inline Bean Declarations
18.5. Configuring methods
18.6. Configuring the bean constructor
18.7. Overriding the type of an injection point
18.8. Configuring Meta Annotations
18.9. Virtual Producer Fields
18.10. More Information
19. Installation
19.1. Pre-Servlet 3.0 configuration
20. Servlet event propagation
20.1. Servlet context lifecycle events
20.2. Application initialization
20.3. Servlet request lifecycle events
20.4. Servlet response lifecycle events
20.5. Servlet request context lifecycle events
20.6. Session lifecycle events
20.7. Session activation events
21. Injectable Servlet objects and request state
21.1. @Inject @RequestParam
21.2. @Inject @HeaderParam
21.3. @Inject ServletContext
21.4. @Inject ServletRequest / HttpServletRequest
21.5. @Inject ServletResponse / HttpServletResponse
21.6. @Inject HttpSession
21.7. @Inject HttpSessionStatus
21.8. @Inject @ContextPath
21.9. @Inject List<Cookie>
21.10. @Inject @CookieParam
21.11. @Inject @ServerInfo
21.12. @Inject @Principal
22. Servlet Exception Handling Integration
22.1. Background
22.2. Defining a exception handler for a web request
23. Retrieving the BeanManager from the servlet context
24. Exception Handling - Introduction
24.1. How Solder's Exception Handling Works
25. Exception Handling - Usage
25.1. Eventing into the exception handling framework
25.1.1. Manual firing of the event
25.1.2. Using the @ExceptionHandled Interceptor
25.2. Exception handlers
25.3. Exception handler annotations
25.3.1. @HandlesExceptions
25.3.2. @Handles
25.4. Exception chain processing
25.5. Exception handler ordering
25.5.1. Traversal of exception type hierarchy
25.5.2. Handler precedence
25.6. APIs for exception information and flow control
25.6.1. CaughtException
25.6.2. ExceptionStack
26. Exception handling - Advanced Features
26.1. Exception Modification
26.1.1. Introduction
26.1.2. Usage
26.2. Filtering Stack Traces
26.2.1. Introduction
26.2.2. ExceptionStackOutput
26.2.3. StackFrameFilter
26.2.4. StackFrameFilterResult
26.2.5. StackFrame
27. Exception Handling - Framework Integration
27.1. Creating and Firing an ExceptionToCatch event
27.2. Default Handlers and Qualifiers
27.2.1. Default Handlers
27.2.2. Qualifiers
27.3. Supporting ServiceHandlers
27.4. Programmatic Handler Registration
Exception Handling - Glossary