Class QueryValidatorException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class QueryValidatorException
    extends QueryProcessingException
    This exception is thrown if an error is discovered while validating the query. Validation checks a number of aspects of a query to ensure that the query is semantically valid.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryValidatorException

        public QueryValidatorException()
        No-arg constructor required by Externalizable semantics.
      • QueryValidatorException

        public QueryValidatorException​(String message)
        Construct an instance with the message specified.
        message - A message describing the exception
      • QueryValidatorException

        public QueryValidatorException​(Throwable e)
      • QueryValidatorException

        public QueryValidatorException​(Throwable e,
                                       String message)
        Construct an instance from a message and an exception to chain to this one.
        message - A message describing the exception
        e - An exception to nest within this one