Interface EventListener

  • public interface EventListener
    A listener interface than can be registered with EventDistributor that will notify the events occurring in the Teiid engine
    • Method Detail

      • vdbDeployed

        void vdbDeployed​(String vdbName,
                         String vdbVersion)
        Invoked when VDB is deployed
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
      • vdbUndeployed

        void vdbUndeployed​(String vdbName,
                           String vdbVersion)
        Invoked when VDB undeployed
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
      • vdbLoaded

        void vdbLoaded​(VDB vdb)
        VDB and all its metadata has been loaded and in ACTIVE state.
        vdb -
      • vdbLoadFailed

        void vdbLoadFailed​(VDB vdb)
        VDB failed to load and in FAILED state; Note this can be called multiple times for given VDB
        vdb -