Class FunctionParameter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FunctionParameter
    extends BaseColumn
    A function parameter defines the name and description of an input or output parameter for a function. The name should not be null, but that is not verified by this class. The type string used in the function parameter should be one of the standard type names defined in DataTypeManager.DefaultDataTypes.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FunctionParameter

        public FunctionParameter()
        Construct a function parameter with no attributes.
      • FunctionParameter

        public FunctionParameter​(String name,
                                 String type)
        Construct a function parameter with no description.
        name - Name
        type - Type from standard set of types
      • FunctionParameter

        public FunctionParameter​(String name,
                                 String type,
                                 String description)
        Construct a function parameter with all attributes.
        name - Name
        type - Type from standard set of types
        description - Description
      • FunctionParameter

        public FunctionParameter​(String name,
                                 String type,
                                 String description,
                                 boolean vararg)
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Get description of parameter
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Set description of parameter
        description - Description
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Return hash code for this parameter. The hash code is based only on the type of the parameter. Changing the type of the parameter after placing this object in a hashed collection will likely cause the object to be lost.
        hashCode in class AbstractMetadataRecord
        Hash code
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Compare with other object for equality. Equality is based on whether the type is the same as the other parameter.
        equals in class AbstractMetadataRecord
        True if equal to obj
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return string version for debugging purposes
        toString in class AbstractMetadataRecord
        String representation of function parameter
      • setVarArg

        public void setVarArg​(boolean isVarArg)
      • isVarArg

        public boolean isVarArg()
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(FunctionMethod functionMethod)