Interface FunctionMetadataSource

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    SystemSource, UDFSource

    public interface FunctionMetadataSource
    A FunctionMetadataSource represents a source of function metadata for the function library. A FunctionMetadataSource needs to know how to return a collection of all the function signatures it knows about.
    • Method Detail

      • getFunctionMethods

        Collection<FunctionMethod> getFunctionMethods()
        This method requests that the source return all FunctionMethods the source knows about. This can occur in several situations - on initial registration with the FunctionLibraryManager, on a general reload, etc. This may be called multiple times and should always return the newest information available.
        Collection of FunctionMethod objects
      • getInvocationClass

        Class<?> getInvocationClass​(String className)
                             throws ClassNotFoundException
        This method determines where the invocation classes specified in the function metadata are actually retrieved from.
        className - Name of class
        Class reference
        ClassNotFoundException - If class could not be found
      • getClassLoader

        ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Classloader used for functions