AssignmentInstruction |
This instruction updates the current variable context with a value for the Variable
defined using a DeclareInstruction, the variable value is obtained by either processing
a expression or a command(stored as a processplan).
BlockInstruction |
BranchingInstruction |
CreateCursorResultSetInstruction |
ErrorInstruction |
This instruction updates the current variable context with the Variable defined using
the declare statement that is used in constructing this instruction.
ExecDynamicSqlInstruction |
Executes a SQL statement, and remove its results from the buffer manager.
ForEachRowPlan |
IfInstruction |
This instruction an holds an if block and an else block and a criteria that determines
which block will be executed.
LoopInstruction |
ProcedurePlan |
Program |
ProgramInstruction |
Abstract superclass of all program instructions.
ReturnInstruction |
WhileInstruction |