JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 4. Creating a Web Service Client from a WSDL Document using JBoss WS

To create a Web Service Client from a WSDL Document using JBoss WS you need to fulfil the following steps:

Setup Chapter 5, JBoss Web Services and the development environment.

Section 3.1, “Creating a Dynamic Web project”.

Section 3.2, “Configure JBoss Web Service facet settings”.

Then you can create a Web Service Client from a WSDL document:

After the Web Service Client has been created, the following may occur depending on the options you selected:

JBoss WS use a Java class to test Web Service. A client sample class will be generated, you may run this client as a java application to call a web service.


To run client sample as a Java application you need a JBoss Runtime in build path.