SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation

Appendix A. Integrating the Web Beans RI into other environments

Currently the Web Beans RI only runs in JBoss AS 5; integrating the RI into other EE environments (for example another application server like Glassfish), into a servlet container (like Tomcat), or with an Embedded EJB3.1 implementation is fairly easy. In this Appendix we will briefly discuss the steps needed.


It should be possible to run Web Beans in an SE environment, but you'll to do more work, adding your own contexts and lifecycle. The Web Beans RI currently doesn't expose lifecycle extension points, so you would have to code directly against Web Beans RI classes.

The Web Beans SPI is located in webbeans-ri-spi module, and packaged as webbeans-ri-spi.jar.

Currently, the only SPI to implement is the bootstrap spi:

public interface WebBeanDiscovery {

    * Gets list of all classes in classpath archives with web-beans.xml files
    * @return An iterable over the classes 
   public Iterable<Class<?>> discoverWebBeanClasses();
    * Gets a list of all web-beans.xml files in the app classpath
    * @return An iterable over the web-beans.xml files 
   public Iterable<URL> discoverWebBeansXml();
    * Gets a descriptor for each EJB in the application
    * @return The bean class to descriptor map 
   public Iterable<EjbDescriptor<?>> discoverEjbs();

The discovery of Web Bean classes and web-bean.xml files is self-explanatory (the algorithm is described in Section 11.1 of the JSR-299 specification, and isn't repeated here).

The Web Beans RI also delegates EJB3 bean discovery to the container so that it doesn't have to scan for EJB3 annotations or parse ejb-jar.xml. For each EJB in the application an EJBDescriptor should be discovered:

public interface EjbDescriptor<T> {

    * Gets the EJB type
    * @return The EJB Bean class
   public Class<T> getType();
    * Gets the local business interfaces of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the local business interfaces
   public Iterable<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> getLocalBusinessInterfaces();
    * Gets the remote business interfaces of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the remote business interfaces
   public Iterable<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> getRemoteBusinessInterfaces();
    * Get the remove methods of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the remove methods
   public Iterable<MethodDescriptor> getRemoveMethods();
    * Indicates if the bean is stateless
    * @return True if stateless, false otherwise
   public boolean isStateless();
    * Indicates if the bean is a EJB 3.1 Singleton
    * @return True if the bean is a singleton, false otherwise
   public boolean isSingleton();
    * Indicates if the EJB is stateful
    * @return True if the bean is stateful, false otherwise
   public boolean isStateful();
    * Indicates if the EJB is and MDB
    * @return True if the bean is an MDB, false otherwise
   public boolean isMessageDriven();
    * Gets the EJB name
    * @return The name
   public String getEjbName();
    * @return The JNDI string which can be used to lookup a proxy which 
    * implements all local business interfaces 
   public String getLocalJndiName();

The contract described the JavaDoc is enough to implement an EJBDescriptor. In addition to these two interfaces, there is BusinessInterfaceDescriptor which represents a local business interface (encapsulating the interface class and jndi name), and MethodDescriptor which encapsulates the method name and parameter types (allowing it to be invoked on any instance of the EJB, proxy or otherwise).

The Web Beans RI can be told to load your implementation of WebBeanDiscovery using the property org.jboss.webbeans.bootstrap.webBeanDiscovery with the fully qualified class name as the value. For example:


The property can either be specified as a system property, or in a properties file META-INF/

There are a number of requirements that the Web Beans RI places on the container for correct functioning that fall outside implementation of APIs