SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation

Appendix A. Integrating the Web Beans RI into other environments

Currently the Web Beans RI only runs in JBoss AS 5; integrating the RI into other EE environments (for example another application server like Glassfish), into a servlet container (like Tomcat), or with an Embedded EJB3.1 implementation is fairly easy. In this Appendix we will briefly discuss the steps needed.


It should be possible to run Web Beans in an SE environment, but you'll to do more work, adding your own contexts and lifecycle. The Web Beans RI currently doesn't expose lifecycle extension points, so you would have to code directly against Web Beans RI classes.

The Web Beans SPI is located in webbeans-spi module, and packaged as webbeans-spi.jar. Some SPIs are optional, if you need to override the default behavior, others are required.

All interfaces in the SPI support the decorator pattern and provide a Forwarding class.

The Web Beans RI also delegates EJB3 bean discovery to the container so that it doesn't have to scan for EJB3 annotations or parse ejb-jar.xml. For each EJB in the application an EJBDescriptor should be discovered:

public interface EjbServices

    * Gets a descriptor for each EJB in the application
    * @return The bean class to descriptor map 
   public Iterable<EjbDescriptor<?>> discoverEjbs();
public interface EjbDescriptor<T> {

    * Gets the EJB type
    * @return The EJB Bean class
   public Class<T> getType();
    * Gets the local business interfaces of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the local business interfaces
   public Iterable<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> getLocalBusinessInterfaces();
    * Gets the remote business interfaces of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the remote business interfaces
   public Iterable<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> getRemoteBusinessInterfaces();
    * Get the remove methods of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the remove methods
   public Iterable<Method> getRemoveMethods();
    * Indicates if the bean is stateless
    * @return True if stateless, false otherwise
   public boolean isStateless();
    * Indicates if the bean is a EJB 3.1 Singleton
    * @return True if the bean is a singleton, false otherwise
   public boolean isSingleton();
    * Indicates if the EJB is stateful
    * @return True if the bean is stateful, false otherwise
   public boolean isStateful();
    * Indicates if the EJB is and MDB
    * @return True if the bean is an MDB, false otherwise
   public boolean isMessageDriven();
    * Gets the EJB name
    * @return The name
   public String getEjbName();

The EjbDescriptor is fairly self-explanatory, and should return the relevant metadata as defined in the EJB specification. In addition to these two interfaces, there is BusinessInterfaceDescriptor which represents a local business interface (encapsulating the interface class and jndi name used to look up an instance of the EJB).

The resolution of @EJB and @Resource is delegated to the container. You must provide an implementation of org.jboss.webbeans.ejb.spi.EjbServices which provides these operations. Web Beans passes in the javax.inject.manager.InjectionPoint the resolution is for, as well as the NamingContext in use for each resolution request.

The Web Beans RI must delegate JTA activities to the container. The SPI provides a couple hooks to easily achieve this with the TransactionServices interface.

public interface TransactionServices

    * Possible status conditions for a transaction. This can be used by SPI
    * providers to keep track for which status an observer is used.
   public static enum Status
    * Registers a synchronization object with the currently executing
    * transaction.
    * @see javax.transaction.Synchronization
    * @param synchronizedObserver
   public void registerSynchronization(Synchronization synchronizedObserver);
    * Queries the status of the current execution to see if a transaction is
    * currently active.
    * @return true if a transaction is active
   public boolean isTransactionActive();

The enumeration Status is a convenience for implementors to be able to keep track of whether a synchronization is supposed to notify an observer only when the transaction is successful, or after a failure, or regardless of the status of the transaction.

Any javax.transaction.Synchronization implementation may be passed to the registerSynchronization() method and the SPI implementation should immediately register the synchronization with the JTA transaction manager used for the EJBs.

To make it easier to determine whether or not a transaction is currently active for the requesting thread, the isTransactionActive() method can be used. The SPI implementation should query the same JTA transaction manager used for the EJBs.

The org.jboss.webbeans.bootstrap.api.Bootstrap interface defines the bootstrap for Web Beans. To boot Web Beans, you must obtain an instance of org.jboss.webbeans.bootstrap.WebBeansBootstrap (which implements Boostrap), tell it about the SPIs in use, and then request the container start.

The bootstrap is split into phases, bootstrap initialization and boot and shutdown. Initialization will create a manager, and add the standard (specification defined) contexts. Bootstrap will discover EJBs, classes and XML; add beans defined using annotations; add beans defined using XML; and validate all beans.

The bootstrap supports multiple environments. Different environments require different services to be present (for example servlet doesn't require transaction, EJB or JPA services). By default an EE environment is assumed, but you can adjust the environment by calling bootstrap.setEnvironment().

To initialize the bootstrap you call Bootstrap.initialize(). Before calling initialize(), you must register any services required by your environment. You can do this by calling bootstrap.getServices().add(JpaServices.class, new MyJpaServices()). You must also provide the application context bean store.

Having called initialize(), the Manager can be obtained by calling Bootstrap.getManager().

To boot the container you call Bootstrap.boot().

To shutdown the container you call Bootstrap.shutdown(). This allows the container to perform any cleanup operations needed.

There are a number of requirements that the Web Beans RI places on the container for correct functioning that fall outside implementation of APIs

Classloader isolation

If you are integrating the Web Beans RI into an environment that supports deployment of multiple applications, you must enable, automatically, or through user configuation, classloader isolation for each Web Beans application.

Servlet listener and filters

If you are integrating the Web Beans into a Servlet environment you must register org.jboss.webbeans.servlet.WebBeansListener as a Servlet listener, either automatically, or through user configuration, for each Web Beans application which uses Servlet.

If you are integrating the Web Beans into a JSF environment you must register org.jboss.webbeans.servlet.ConversationPropagationFilter as a Servlet listener, either automatically, or through user configuration, for each Web Beans application which uses JSF. This filter can be registered for all Servlet deployment safely.

Session Bean Interceptor

If you are integrating the Web Beans into an EJB environment you must register org.jboss.webbeans.ejb.SessionBeanInterceptor as a EJB interceptor for all EJBs in the application, either automatically, or through user configuration, for each Web Beans application which uses enterprise beans.

The webbeans-core.jar

If you are integrating the Web Beans into an environment that supports deployment of applications, you must insert the webbeans-core.jar into the applications isolated classloader. It cannot be loaded from a shared classloader.