Weld SiteCommunity Documentation
The CDI specification defines a set of complementary services that help improve the structure of application code. CDI layers an enhanced lifecycle and interaction model over existing Java component types, including managed beans and Enterprise Java Beans. The CDI services provide:
The CDI services are a core aspect of the Java EE platform and include full support for Java EE modularity and the Java EE component architecture. But the specification does not limit the use of CDI to the Java EE environment. In the Java SE environment, the services might be provided by a standalone CDI implementation like Weld (see Section 18.4.1, “CDI SE Module”), or even by a container that also implements the subset of EJB defined for embedded usage by the EJB 3.2 specification. CDI is especially useful in the context of web application development, but the problems it solves are general development concerns and it is therefore applicable to a wide variety of application.
An object bound to a lifecycle context is called a bean. CDI includes built-in support for several different kinds of bean, including the following Java EE component types:
Both managed beans and EJB session beans may inject other beans. But some other objects, which are not themselves beans in the sense used here, may also have beans injected via CDI. In the Java EE platform, the following kinds of component may have beans injected:
subclasses, andCDI relieves the user of an unfamiliar API of the need to answer the following questions:
CDI is more than a framework. It’s a whole, rich programming model. The theme of CDI is loose-coupling with strong typing. Let’s study what that phrase means.
A bean specifies only the type and semantics of other beans it depends upon. It need not be aware of the actual lifecycle, concrete implementation, threading model or other clients of any bean it interacts with. Even better, the concrete implementation, lifecycle and threading model of a bean may vary according to the deployment scenario, without affecting any client. This loose-coupling makes your code easier to maintain.
Events, interceptors and decorators enhance the loose-coupling inherent in this model:
What’s even more powerful (and comforting) is that CDI provides all these facilities in a typesafe way. CDI never relies on string-based identifiers to determine how collaborating objects fit together. Instead, CDI uses the typing information that is already available in the Java object model, augmented using a new programming pattern, called qualifier annotations, to wire together beans, their dependencies, their interceptors and decorators, and their event consumers. Usage of XML descriptors is minimized to truly deployment-specific information.
But CDI isn’t a restrictive programming model. It doesn’t tell you how you should to structure your application into layers, how you should handle persistence, or what web framework you have to use. You’ll have to decide those kinds of things for yourself.
CDI even provides a comprehensive SPI, allowing other kinds of object defined by future Java EE specifications or by third-party frameworks to be cleanly integrated with CDI, take advantage of the CDI services, and interact with any other kind of bean.
CDI was influenced by a number of existing Java frameworks, including Seam, Guice and Spring. However, CDI has its own, very distinct, character: more typesafe than Seam, more stateful and less XML-centric than Spring, more web and enterprise-application capable than Guice. But it couldn’t have been any of these without inspiration from the frameworks mentioned and lots of collaboration and hard work by the JSR-299 and JSR-346 Expert Groups (EG).
Finally, CDI is a Java Community Process (JCP) standard. Java EE 7 requires that all compliant application servers provide support for JSR-346 (even in the web profile).
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