Getting started with Weld

Weld comes with several numberguess examples in various flavors based on what environment you use. In its classic variant, it is a web (war) example containing only non-transactional managed beans. This example can be run on a wide range of servers, including WildFly, GlassFish, Apache Tomcat, Jetty, and any compliant Jakarta EE container.

The example uses JSF as the web framework and, as such, can be found in the examples/jsf directory of the Weld distribution.


To run the examples with the provided build scripts, you’ll need the following:

  • the latest release of Weld, which contains the examples

  • Maven 3, to build and deploy the examples

  • optionally, a supported runtime environment (minimum versions shown)

    • WildFly,

    • GlassFish,

    • Apache Tomcat, or

    • Jetty

Note that the version of these runtimes need to target the same Jakarta EE version that Weld does.

In the next few sections, you’ll be using the Maven command (mvn) to invoke the Maven project file in each example to compile, assemble and deploy the example to WildFly and, for the war example, Apache Tomcat. You can also deploy the generated artifact (war) to any other container that supports Jakarta EE, such as GlassFish.

The sections below cover the steps for deploying with Maven in detail.

First try

If you simply want to run the numberguess example without the requirement of a specific runtime you can start with the following commands:

$> cd examples/jsf/numberguess
$> mvn wildfly:run

The Maven WildFly plugin will run WildFly and deploy the example and the server will be automatically downloaded in the target directory. The numberguess application is available at http://localhost:8080/weld-numberguess.

Deploying to WildFly

To deploy the examples to your own WildFly instance, you’ll need to download WildFly first. The good news is that there are no additional modifications you have to make to the server. It’s ready to go!

After you have downloaded WildFly, extract it. You can move the extracted folder anywhere you like. Wherever it lays to rest, that’s what we’ll call the WildFly installation directory, or JBOSS_HOME.

$> unzip
$> mv wildfly-31.*/ wildfly-31

In order for the build scripts to know where to deploy the example, you have to tell them where to find your WildFly installation. Set the JBOSS_HOME environment variable to point to the WildFly installation, e.g.:

$> export JBOSS_HOME=/path/to/wildfly-31

Next up, start your WildFly server. Assuming default configuration and Linux, you can do that with the following command (for Windows, use the .bat file instead):

$> cd path/to/wildfly
$> ./bin/

You’re now ready to run your first example!

Switch to the examples/jsf/numberguess directory in Weld repository and execute the Maven deploy target:

$> cd examples/jsf/numberguess
$> mvn wildfly:deploy

Wait a bit for the application to deploy and see if you can determine the most efficient approach to pinpoint the random number at the local URL http://localhost:8080/weld-numberguess.


The Maven WildFly plugin includes additional goals for WildFly to deploy and undeploy the archive.

  • mvn wildfly:deploy - deploy the example to a running WildFly instance

  • mvn wildfly:undeploy - undeploy the example from a running WildFly instance

  • mvn wildfly:redeploy - redeploys the example

For more information on the WildFly Maven plugin see the plugin documentation.

TODO this ain’t true!!!

You can also run some simple integration tests to verify that the example works as expected. Keep the server with deployed application running and execute the following:

$> mvn verify -Pintegration-testing

You should see the following output:

Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Deploying to Apache Tomcat

Servlet containers are not required to support Jakarta EE services like CDI. However, you can use CDI in a servlet container like Tomcat by embedding a standalone CDI implementation such as Weld.

Weld comes with servlet integration extension which bootstraps the CDI environment and provides injection into servlets components. Basically, it emulates some of the work done by the Jakarta EE container, but you don’t get the enterprise features such as session beans and container-managed transactions.

Note that due to limitations of servlet containers (e.g. read-only JNDI) your application might require some additional configuration as well (see Tomcat and Jetty for more info).

Let’s give the Weld servlet extension a spin on Apache Tomcat. First, you’ll need to download Tomcat 10.1 or later from and extract it.

$> unzip

The Maven plugin communicates with Tomcat over HTTP, so it doesn’t care where you have installed Tomcat. However, the plugin configuration assumes you are running Tomcat in its default configuration, with a hostname of localhost and port 8080. The readme.txt file in the example directory has information about how to modify the Maven settings to accommodate a different setup.

You can either start Tomcat from a Linux shell:

$> cd /path/to/apache-tomcat-10.1
$> ./bin/

a Windows command window:

$> cd c:\path\to\apache-tomcat-10\bin
$> start

or you can start the server using an IDE, like Eclipse.

Change to the examples/jsf/numberguess directory again and run the following Maven command:

$> cd examples/jsf/numberguess
$> mvn clean package -Ptomcat

Now you’re ready to deploy the numberguess example to Tomcat!

$> cp examples/jsf/numberguess/target/weld-numberguess.war apache-tomcat/webapps/