JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 9. Complete Container Reference

9.1. JBoss AS 5.1 - Remote
9.1.1. Configuration
9.2. JBoss AS 5.1 - Remote + Lifecycle
9.2.1. Configuration
9.3. JBoss AS 6.0 - Remote
9.3.1. Configuration
9.4. JBoss AS 6.0 - Remote + Lifecycle
9.4.1. Configuration
9.5. JBoss Embedded AS 6.0 - Embedded
9.5.1. Configuration
9.6. JBoss Reloaded - Embedded
9.7. GlassFish 3.0 - Embedded
9.7.1. Configuration
9.8. Weld SE - Embedded
9.9. Apache OpenWebBeans - Embedded
9.10. Apache OpenEJB - Embedded

A DeployableContainer implementation that can connect and run against a remote(different JVM, different machine) running JBoss AS 5.1 instance. This implementation has no lifecycle support, so it can not be started or stopped.

Example of Maven profile setup


A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a remote(different JVM, same machine) JBoss AS 5.1 instance. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.

Example of Maven profile setup


A DeployableContainer implementation that can connect and run against a remote(different JVM, different machine) running JBoss AS 6.0 instance. This implementation has no lifecycle support, so it can not be started or stopped.

Example of Maven profile setup


A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a remote(different JVM, same machine) JBoss AS 6.0 instance. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.

Example of Maven profile setup


A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a embedded(same JVM) JBoss AS 6.0 instance. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.

Example of Maven profile setup

                            Because jbossweb.sar contains shared web.xml, which must be
                            visible from same CL as TomcatDeployer.class.getClassLoader


                        MaxPermSize Required to bump the space for relective data like
                        classes, methods, etc. EMB-41. Endorsed required for things like
                        WS support (EMB-61)
                    <argLine>-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager -Djava.endorsed.dirs=${env.JBOSS_HOME}/lib/endorsed -Djboss.home=${env.JBOSS_HOME} -Djboss.boot.server.log.dir=${env.JBOSS_HOME}</argLine>

A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a embedded(same JVM) JBoss Reloaded(MicroContainer + VirtualDeploymentFramework) instance. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.

A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a embedded(same JVM) GlassFish 3.0 instance. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.

Example of Maven profile setup


A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a embedded(same JVM) Weld(CDI reference implementation) SE edition. No EE APIs are available. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.


Local EJBs only, which get treated as managed beans. Transactions, security and EJB context injection are not applied.


A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a embedded(same JVM) WeldApache OpenWebBeans(CDI) instance. No EE APIs are available. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.


Local EJBs only, which get treated as managed beans. Transactions, security and EJB context injection are not applied.

Example of Maven profile setup


A DeployableContainer implementation that can run and connect to a embedded(same JVM) Apache OpenEJB instance. EJB 3.0 APIs are available, but no JMS. This implementation has lifecycle support, so the container will be started and stopped as part of the test run.

Example of Maven profile setup
