Package javax.ejb

Interface Summary
InvocationContext The InvocationContext object provides the metadata that is required for AroundInvoke interceptor methods.

Enum Summary
AccessMode The enum for the type of EJB Home interface
TransactionAttributeType Enum for the types of TransactionAttributes
TransactionManagementType Enums for the TransactionManagement types

Exception Summary
EJBAccessException An AccessLocalException is thrown to indicate that the caller does not have permission to call the method.
EJBNoSuchObjectException A NoSuchObjectLocalException is thrown if an attempt is made to invoke a method on an object that no longer exists.
EJBTransactionRequiredException This exception indicates that a request carried a null transaction context, but the target object requires an activate transaction.
EJBTransactionRolledbackException This exception indicates that the transaction associated with processing of the request has been rolled back, or marked to roll back.

Annotation Types Summary
ActivationConfigProperty Annotation for adding properties to messaging bean annotations (i.e.
ApplicationException Annotation for identifying an Exception class as an Application Exception, which does not cause a transaction rollback
AroundInvoke Defines an interceptor method.
BusinessMethod By default, when generating interfaces, all public methods other than injection methods of the bean class will be on the generated interface.
Init Annotation to mark a method that will initialize a stateful session
Interceptors An interceptor class is denoted using the Interceptor annotation on the bean class with which it is associated.
Local Bean class annotation that specifies remote interfaces of the Session bean.
LocalHome Annotation for specifying the local home interface for a bean
MessageDriven The MessageDriven annotation specifies that the enterprise bean is a message-driven bean.
PostActivate An ejbActivate type of callback marker.
PrePassivate An ejbPassivate type of callback marker.
Remote Bean class annotation that specifies remote interfaces of the Session bean.
RemoteHome Annotation for specifying the remote home interface for a bean
Remove Annotation to mark a method that will remove a stateful session on completion
Stateful A stateful session bean must be annotated with the Stateful annotation or denoted in the deployment descriptor as a stateful session bean.
Stateless A stateless session bean must be annotated with the Stateless annotation or denoted in the deployment descriptor as a stateless session bean.
Timeout Marks an ejbTimeout callback method: public void (Timer timer)
TransactionAttribute The TransactionManagement annotation specifies the transaction management demarcation type of a session bean or message-driven bean.
TransactionManagement The TransactionManagement annotation specifies the transaction management demarcation type of a session bean or message-driven bean.