Annotation Type AuditMappedBy

public @interface AuditMappedBy

Annotation to specify a "fake" bi-directional relation. Such a relation uses @OneToMany + @JoinColumn on the one side, and @ManyToOne + @Column(insertable=false, updatable=false) on the many side. Then, Envers won't use a join table to audit this relation, but will store changes as in a normal bi-directional relation.

This annotation is experimental and may change in future releases.

Adam Warski (adam at warski dot org)

Required Element Summary
 String mappedBy
Optional Element Summary
 String positionMappedBy

Element Detail


public abstract String mappedBy
Name of the property in the related entity which maps back to this entity. The property should be mapped with @ManyToOne and @Column(insertable=false, updatable=false).


public abstract String positionMappedBy
Name of the property in the related entity which maps to the position column. Should be specified only for indexed collection, when @IndexColumn is used on the collection. The property should be mapped with @Column(insertable=false, updatable=false).

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