JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 70. LDAP Configuration

70.1. Overview
70.2. Quickstart
70.3. Configuration
70.3.1. Connection Settings
70.3.2. Organization Service Configuration
70.4. Advanced topics
70.4.1. Automatic directory population
70.4.2. Active Directory sample configuration
70.4.3. OpenLDAP dynlist overlays

You may decide that you want eXo users to be mapped to an existing directory. eXo provides a flexible implementation of its OrganizationService on top of LDAP. It can be used on any LDAP compliant directory and even Active Directory. This page will guide you how to configure eXo Platform to work with your directory.

If you just want to have a look at how eXo works with ldap. eXo comes with a predefined ldap configuration. You just need to activate it and eXo will create all it needs to work at startup.

You need to have a working ldap server and a user with write permissions.



<field name="providerURL"><string>ldap://</string></field>
<field name="rootdn"><string>CN=Manager,DC=MyCompany,DC=com</string></field>
<field name="password"><string>secret</string></field>

eXo starts and autocreates its organization model in your directory tree. Finally, the structure of the default LDAP schema looks like:

That's it! Now eXo uses your LDAP directory as its org model storage. Users, groups and memberships are now stored and retrieved from there. We suggest that you complete some guideline functions with eXo user management portlet and see what it changes in your directory tree.

If you have an existing LDAP server, the eXo predefined settings will likely not match your directory structure. eXo LDAP organization service implementation was written with flexibility in mind and can certainly be configured to meet your requirements.

The configuration is done in ldap-configuration.xml file, and this chapter will explain the numerous parameters it contains.

Firstly, start by connection settings which will tell eXo how to connect to your directory server. These settings are very close to JNDI API context parameters. This configuration is activated by the init-param ldap.config of service LDAPServiceImpl.

      <description>Default ldap config</description>
      <object type="org.exoplatform.services.ldap.impl.LDAPConnectionConfig">
        <field name="providerURL"><string>ldap://,</string></field>
        <field name="rootdn"><string>CN=Manager,DC=exoplatform,DC=org</string></field>
        <field name="password"><string>secret</string></field>
        <!-- field  name="authenticationType"><string>simple</string></field-->           
        <field name="version"><string>3</string></field>
        <field  name="referralMode"><string>follow</string></field>            
        <!-- field  name="serverName"><string>active.directory</string></field-->
  • providerURL: LDAP server URL (see PROVIDER_URL). For multiple ldap servers, use comma separated list of host:port (Ex. ldap://,

  • rootdn: dn of user that will be used by the service to authenticate on the server (see SECURITY_PRINCIPAL).

  • password: password for user rootdn (see SECURITY_CREDENTIALS).

  • authenticationType: type of authentication to be used (see SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION). Use one of none, simple, strong. Default is simple.

  • version: LDAP protocol version (see java.naming.ldap.version). Set to 3 if your server supports LDAP V3.

  • referalMode: one of follow, ignore,throw (see REFERRAL).

  • serverName: you will need to set this to active.directory in order to work with Active Directory servers. Any other value will be ignore and the service will act as on a standard LDAP.

Next, you need to configure the eXo OrganizationService to tell him how the directory is structured and how to interact with it. This is managed by a couple of of init-params : ldap.userDN.key and ldap.attribute.mapping in file ldap-configuration.xml (by default located at portal.war/WEB-INF/conf/organization)

      <description>The key used to compose user DN</description>
      <description>ldap attribute mapping</description>
      <object type="org.exoplatform.services.organization.ldap.LDAPAttributeMapping">

ldap.attribute.mapping maps your ldap to eXo. At first there are two main parameters to configure in it:

<field name="baseURL"><string>dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
<field name="ldapDescriptionAttr"><string>description</string></field>

Other parameters are discussed in the following sections.

Here are the main parameters to map eXo users to your directory :

<field name="userURL"><string>ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
<field name="userObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=person</string></field>
<field name="userLDAPClasses"><string>top,person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson</string></field>

Example :


However, if users exist deeply under userURL, eXo will be able to retrieve them.

Example :


Example : john and tom will be recognized as valid eXo users but EMEA and France entries will be ignored in the following subtree :

  objectClass: person
  objectClass: organizationalUnit
      objectClass: organizationalUnit
          objectClass: person

When creating a new user, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must at least define cn and any attribute refernced in the user mapping.

Example : Adding the user Marry Simons could produce :

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: person
  objectClass: organizationalPerson
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson

eXo groups can be mapped to organizational or applicative groups defined in your directory.

<field name="groupsURL"><string>ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
<field name="groupLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalUnit</string></field>
<field name="groupObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=organizationalUnit</string></field>

Groups can be structured hierarchically under groupsURL.

Example: Groups communication, communication/marketing and communication/press would map to :


When creating a new group, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must define at least the required attributes: ou, description and l.

Example : Adding the group human-resources could produce:

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: organizationalunit
  ou: human-resources
  description: The human resources department
  l: Human Resources

Example : groups WebDesign, WebDesign/Graphists and Sales could be retrieved in :


Membership types are the possible roles that can be assigned to users in groups.

<field name="membershipTypeURL"><string>ou=memberships,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>          
<field name="membershipTypeLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalRole</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeNameAttr"><string>cn</string></field>

eXo stores membership types in a flat structure under membershipTypeURL.

Example : Roles manager, user, admin and editor could by defined by the subtree :


When creating a new membership type, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must define the required attributes : description, cn

Example : Adding membership type validator would produce :

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: organizationalRole

Example : If membershipTypeNameAttr is 'cn', then role name is 'manager' for the following membership type entry :

cn=manager,ou=roles,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org </pre>

Memberships are used to assign a role within a group. They are entries that are placed under the group entry of their scope group. Users in this role are defined as attributes of the membership entry.

Example: To designate tom as the manager of the group human-resources :

    member: uid=tom,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org

The parameters to configure memberships are :

<field name="membershipLDAPClasses"><string>top,groupOfNames</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeMemberValue"><string>member</string></field>                              
<field name="membershipTypeRoleNameAttr"><string>cn</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=organizationalRole</string></field>

When creating a new membership, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must at least define the attribute designated by membershipTypeMemberValue.

Example : Adding membership validator would produce :

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: groupOfNames

<pre> cn=validator,ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org objectclass: top objectClass: groupOfNames ... </pre>

Values should be a user dn.

Example: james and root have admin role within the group human-resources, would give:

  member: cn=james,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org
  member: cn=root,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org

Example : In the following membership entry:

<pre> cn=manager,ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org </pre>

'cn' attribute is used to designate the 'manager' membership type. Which could also be said : The name of the role is given by 'cn' the attribute.

You can use rather complex filters.

Example: Here is a filter we used for a customer that needed to trigger a dynlist overlay on openldap.


Note : Pay attention to the xml escaping of the '&' (and) operator

Here is an alternative configuration for active directory that you can find in activedirectory-configuration.xml

here is how to use LDAPS protocol with Active Directory :

1 setup AD to use SSL:

    * add Active Directory Certificate Services role
    * install right certificate for DC machine

2 enable Java VM to use certificate from AD:

    * import root CA used in AD, to keystore, something like

      keytool -importcert -file 2008.cer -keypass changeit -keystore /home/user/java/jdk1.6/jre/lib/security/cacerts

    * set java options

      JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/user/java/jdk1.6/jre/lib/security/cacerts"
        <object type="org.exoplatform.services.ldap.impl.LDAPConnectionConfig">         
         <!-- for multiple ldap servers, use comma seperated list of host:port (Ex. ldap://, -->
    <!-- whether or not to enable ssl, if ssl is used ensure that the javax.net.ssl.keyStore & java.net.ssl.keyStorePassword properties are set -->
    <!-- exo portal default installed javax.net.ssl.trustStore with file is java.home/lib/security/cacerts-->
    <!-- ldap service will check protocol, if protocol is ldaps, ssl is enable (Ex. for enable ssl: ldaps:// ;for disable ssl: ldap:// ) -->
    <!-- when enable ssl, ensure server name is *.directory and port (Ex. active.directory) -->        
    <field  name="providerURL"><string>ldaps://</string></field>
    <field  name="rootdn"><string>CN=Administrator,CN=Users, DC=exoplatform,DC=org</string></field>
    <field  name="password"><string>site</string></field>      
    <field  name="version"><string>3</string></field>             
       <field  name="referralMode"><string>ignore</string></field>                      
       <field  name="serverName"><string>active.directory</string></field>                  
        <object type="org.exoplatform.services.organization.ldap.LDAPAttributeMapping">                
          <field  name="userAuthenticationAttr"><string>mail</string></field>
          <field  name="userUsernameAttr"><string>sAMAccountName</string></field>
          <field  name="userPassword"><string>unicodePwd</string></field> 
          <field  name="userLastNameAttr"><string>sn</string></field>
          <field  name="userDisplayNameAttr"><string>displayName</string></field>
          <field  name="userMailAttr"><string>mail</string></field>
          <field  name="membershipTypeLDAPClasses"><string>top,group</string></field>
          <field  name="membershipTypeObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=group</string></field>
          <field  name="membershipLDAPClasses"><string>top,group</string></field>
          <field  name="membershipObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=group</string></field>

If you use OpenLDAP, you may want to use the overlays. Here is how you can use the dynlist overlay to have memberships dynamically populated.

The main idea is to have your memberships populated dynamically by an ldap query. Thus, you no longer have to maintain manually the roles on users.

To configure the dynlist, add the following to your slapd.conf :

dynlist-attrset         ExoMembership membershipURL member

This snipet means : On entries that have ExoMembership class, use the URL defined in the value of attribute membershipURL as a query and populate results under the multivalues attribute member.

Now let's declare the corresponding schema (replace XXXXX to adapt to your own IANA code):

attributeType ( NAME 'membershipURL' SUP memberURL )

membershipURL inherits from memberURL.

objectClass (  NAME 'ExoMembership' SUP top MUST ( cn ) MAY (membershipURL $ member $ description ) )

ExoMembership must define cn and can have attributes :

  • membershipURL: trigger for the dynlist

  • member : attribute populated by the dynlist

  • description : used by eXo for display

# the TestGroup group
dn: ou=testgroup,ou=groups,ou=portal,o=MyCompany,c=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: testgroup
l: TestGroup
description: the Test Group

On this group, we can bind an eXo membership where the overlay will occur:

# the manager membership on group TestGroup
dn: cn=manager, ou=TestGroup,ou=groups,ou=portal,o=MyCompany,c=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: ExoMembership
membershipURL: ldap:///ou=users,ou=portal,o=MyCompany,c=com??sub?(uid=*)
cn: manager

This dynlist assigns the role manager:/testgroup to any user.