Hibernate.orgCommunity Documentation
This chapters explores some more complex association mappings.
Here is a possible mapping document:
<hibernate-mapping> <class name="Employer" table="employers"> <id name="id"> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">employer_id_seq</param> </generator> </id> <property name="name"/> </class> <class name="Employment" table="employment_periods"> <id name="id"> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">employment_id_seq</param> </generator> </id> <property name="startDate" column="start_date"/> <property name="endDate" column="end_date"/> <component name="hourlyRate" class="MonetaryAmount"> <property name="amount"> <column name="hourly_rate" sql-type="NUMERIC(12, 2)"/> </property> <property name="currency" length="12"/> </component> <many-to-one name="employer" column="employer_id" not-null="true"/> <many-to-one name="employee" column="employee_id" not-null="true"/> </class> <class name="Employee" table="employees"> <id name="id"> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">employee_id_seq</param> </generator> </id> <property name="taxfileNumber"/> <component name="name" class="Name"> <property name="firstName"/> <property name="initial"/> <property name="lastName"/> </component> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
Here is the table schema generated by SchemaExport
create table employers ( id BIGINT not null, name VARCHAR(255), primary key (id) ) create table employment_periods ( id BIGINT not null, hourly_rate NUMERIC(12, 2), currency VARCHAR(12), employee_id BIGINT not null, employer_id BIGINT not null, end_date TIMESTAMP, start_date TIMESTAMP, primary key (id) ) create table employees ( id BIGINT not null, firstName VARCHAR(255), initial CHAR(1), lastName VARCHAR(255), taxfileNumber VARCHAR(255), primary key (id) ) alter table employment_periods add constraint employment_periodsFK0 foreign key (employer_id) references employers alter table employment_periods add constraint employment_periodsFK1 foreign key (employee_id) references employees create sequence employee_id_seq create sequence employment_id_seq create sequence employer_id_seq
The following mapping document correctly represents these relationships:
<hibernate-mapping> <class name="Work" table="works" discriminator-value="W"> <id name="id" column="id"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <discriminator column="type" type="character"/> <property name="title"/> <set name="authors" table="author_work"> <key column name="work_id"/> <many-to-many class="Author" column name="author_id"/> </set> <subclass name="Book" discriminator-value="B"> <property name="text"/> </subclass> <subclass name="Song" discriminator-value="S"> <property name="tempo"/> <property name="genre"/> </subclass> </class> <class name="Author" table="authors"> <id name="id" column="id"> <!-- The Author must have the same identifier as the Person --> <generator class="assigned"/> </id> <property name="alias"/> <one-to-one name="person" constrained="true"/> <set name="works" table="author_work" inverse="true"> <key column="author_id"/> <many-to-many class="Work" column="work_id"/> </set> </class> <class name="Person" table="persons"> <id name="id" column="id"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="name"/> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
create table works ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, tempo FLOAT, genre VARCHAR(255), text INTEGER, title VARCHAR(255), type CHAR(1) not null, primary key (id) ) create table author_work ( author_id BIGINT not null, work_id BIGINT not null, primary key (work_id, author_id) ) create table authors ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, alias VARCHAR(255), primary key (id) ) create table persons ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, name VARCHAR(255), primary key (id) ) alter table authors add constraint authorsFK0 foreign key (id) references persons alter table author_work add constraint author_workFK0 foreign key (author_id) references authors alter table author_work add constraint author_workFK1 foreign key (work_id) references works
The mapping document will look like this:
<hibernate-mapping> <class name="Customer" table="customers"> <id name="id"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="name"/> <set name="orders" inverse="true"> <key column="customer_id"/> <one-to-many class="Order"/> </set> </class> <class name="Order" table="orders"> <id name="id"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="date"/> <many-to-one name="customer" column="customer_id"/> <list name="lineItems" table="line_items"> <key column="order_id"/> <list-index column="line_number"/> <composite-element class="LineItem"> <property name="quantity"/> <many-to-one name="product" column="product_id"/> </composite-element> </list> </class> <class name="Product" table="products"> <id name="id"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="serialNumber"/> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
create table customers ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, name VARCHAR(255), primary key (id) ) create table orders ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, customer_id BIGINT, date TIMESTAMP, primary key (id) ) create table line_items ( line_number INTEGER not null, order_id BIGINT not null, product_id BIGINT, quantity INTEGER, primary key (order_id, line_number) ) create table products ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, serialNumber VARCHAR(255), primary key (id) ) alter table orders add constraint ordersFK0 foreign key (customer_id) references customers alter table line_items add constraint line_itemsFK0 foreign key (product_id) references products alter table line_items add constraint line_itemsFK1 foreign key (order_id) references orders
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