Hibernate.orgCommunity Documentation

Kapitel 21. Toolset-Handbuch

21.1. Automatische Schema-Generierung
21.1.1. Anpassung des Schemas
21.1.2. Start des Tools
21.1.3. Properties
21.1.4. Die Verwendung von Ant
21.1.5. Inkrementelle Schema-Aktualisierungen
21.1.6. Die Verwendung von Ant bei inkrementellen Schema-Aktualisierungen
21.1.7. Schema-Validierung
21.1.8. Die Verwendung von Ant zur Schema-Validierung

Roundtrip engineering with Hibernate is possible using a set of Eclipse plugins, commandline tools, and Ant tasks.

Hibernate Tools currently include plugins for the Eclipse IDE as well as Ant tasks for reverse engineering of existing databases:

Please refer to the Hibernate Tools package documentation for more information.

However, the Hibernate main package comes bundled with an integrated tool : SchemaExport aka hbm2ddl.It can even be used from "inside" Hibernate.

DDL can be generated from your mapping files by a Hibernate utility. The generated schema includes referential integrity constraints, primary and foreign keys, for entity and collection tables. Tables and sequences are also created for mapped identifier generators.

You must specify a SQL Dialect via the hibernate.dialect property when using this tool, as DDL is highly vendor-specific.

First, you must customize your mapping files to improve the generated schema. The next section covers schema customization.

Many Hibernate mapping elements define optional attributes named length, precision and scale. You can set the length, precision and scale of a column with this attribute.

<property name="zip" length="5"/>

<property name="balance" precision="12" scale="2"/>

Some tags also accept a not-null attribute for generating a NOT NULL constraint on table columns, and a unique attribute for generating UNIQUE constraint on table columns.

<many-to-one name="bar" column="barId" not-null="true"/>

<element column="serialNumber" type="long" not-null="true" unique="true"/>

A unique-key attribute can be used to group columns in a single, unique key constraint. Currently, the specified value of the unique-key attribute is not used to name the constraint in the generated DDL. It is only used to group the columns in the mapping file.

<many-to-one name="org" column="orgId" unique-key="OrgEmployeeId"/>
<property name="employeeId" unique-key="OrgEmployee"/>

An index attribute specifies the name of an index that will be created using the mapped column or columns. Multiple columns can be grouped into the same index by simply specifying the same index name.

<property name="lastName" index="CustName"/>
<property name="firstName" index="CustName"/>

A foreign-key attribute can be used to override the name of any generated foreign key constraint.

<many-to-one name="bar" column="barId" foreign-key="FKFooBar"/>

Zahlreiche Mapping-Elemente akzeptieren auch ein untergeordnetes <column>-Element. Das ist insbesondere für das Mappen von vielspaltigen Typen hilfreich:

<property name="name" type="my.customtypes.Name"/>
    <column name="last" not-null="true" index="bar_idx" length="30"/>
    <column name="first" not-null="true" index="bar_idx" length="20"/>
    <column name="initial"/>

The default attribute allows you to specify a default value for a column.You should assign the same value to the mapped property before saving a new instance of the mapped class.

<property name="credits" type="integer" insert="false">
    <column name="credits" default="10"/>

<version name="version" type="integer" insert="false">
    <column name="version" default="0"/>

Das sql-type-Attribut ermöglicht die Außerkraftsetzung des Standard-Mappings eines Hibernate-Typs zum SQL-Datentyp.

<property name="balance" type="float">
    <column name="balance" sql-type="decimal(13,3)"/>

Das check-Attribut ermöglicht es Ihnen, eine Prüfungsbedingung festzulegen.

<property name="foo" type="integer">
    <column name="foo" check="foo 
> 10"/>

<class name="Foo" table="foos" check="bar < 100.0">
    <property name="bar" type="float"/>

The following table summarizes these optional attributes.

Das <comment>-Element erlaubt die Bestimmung von Kommentaren für das generierte Schema.

<class name="Customer" table="CurCust">
>Current customers only</comment>

<property name="balance">
    <column name="bal">
>Balance in USD</comment>

This results in a comment on table or comment on column statement in the generated DDL where supported.