Class ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle

  extended byorg.hibernate.engine.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle
extends Object
implements Serializable

For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used.

Steve Ebersole
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle COUNT
          Perform row-count checking.
static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle NONE
          Do not perform checking.
static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle PARAM
          Essentially the same as COUNT except that the row count actually comes from an output parameter registered as part of a CallableStatement.
Method Summary
static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle determineDefault(String customSql, boolean callable)
static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle parse(String name)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle NONE
Do not perform checking. Either user simply does not want checking, or is indicating a CallableStatement execution in which the checks are being performed explicitly and failures are handled through propogation of SQLExceptions.


public static final ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle COUNT
Perform row-count checking. Row counts are the int values returned by both PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() and Statement.executeBatch(). These values are checked against some expected count.


public static final ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle PARAM
Essentially the same as COUNT except that the row count actually comes from an output parameter registered as part of a CallableStatement. This style explicitly prohibits statement batching from being used...

Method Detail


public static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle parse(String name)


public static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle determineDefault(String customSql,
                                                             boolean callable)