Uses of Class

Packages that use ScrollMode
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.engine This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. 
org.hibernate.impl This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. 
org.hibernate.jdbc This package abstracts the mechanism for dispatching SQL statements to the database, and implements interaction with JDBC. 
org.hibernate.loader.criteria This package defines the criteria query compiler and loader 

Uses of ScrollMode in org.hibernate

Fields in org.hibernate declared as ScrollMode
static ScrollMode ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY
static ScrollMode ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE
          Note that since the Hibernate session acts as a cache, you might need to expicitly evict objects, if you need to see changes made by other transactions.
static ScrollMode ScrollMode.SCROLL_SENSITIVE

Methods in org.hibernate with parameters of type ScrollMode
 boolean ScrollMode.lessThan(ScrollMode other)
 ScrollableResults Criteria.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)
          Get the results as an instance of ScrollableResults based on the given scroll mode.
 ScrollableResults Query.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)
          Return the query results as ScrollableResults.

Uses of ScrollMode in org.hibernate.engine

Methods in org.hibernate.engine that return ScrollMode
 ScrollMode QueryParameters.getScrollMode()

Methods in org.hibernate.engine with parameters of type ScrollMode
 ScrollableResults SessionImplementor.scroll(CriteriaImpl criteria, ScrollMode scrollMode)
          Execute a criteria query
 void QueryParameters.setScrollMode(ScrollMode scrollMode)

Uses of ScrollMode in org.hibernate.impl

Methods in org.hibernate.impl with parameters of type ScrollMode
 ScrollableResults SessionImpl.scroll(CriteriaImpl criteria, ScrollMode scrollMode)
 ScrollableResults StatelessSessionImpl.scroll(CriteriaImpl criteria, ScrollMode scrollMode)
 ScrollableResults QueryImpl.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)
 ScrollableResults SQLQueryImpl.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)
 ScrollableResults CriteriaImpl.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)
 ScrollableResults CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)

Uses of ScrollMode in org.hibernate.jdbc

Methods in org.hibernate.jdbc with parameters of type ScrollMode
 CallableStatement Batcher.prepareCallableQueryStatement(String sql, boolean scrollable, ScrollMode scrollMode)
          Get a prepared statement for use in loading / querying.
 CallableStatement AbstractBatcher.prepareCallableQueryStatement(String sql, boolean scrollable, ScrollMode scrollMode)
 PreparedStatement Batcher.prepareQueryStatement(String sql, boolean scrollable, ScrollMode scrollMode)
          Get a prepared statement for use in loading / querying.
 PreparedStatement AbstractBatcher.prepareQueryStatement(String sql, boolean scrollable, ScrollMode scrollMode)

Uses of ScrollMode in org.hibernate.loader.criteria

Methods in org.hibernate.loader.criteria with parameters of type ScrollMode
 ScrollableResults CriteriaLoader.scroll(SessionImplementor session, ScrollMode scrollMode)

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