Uses of Interface

Packages that use Setter
org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. This package abstracts the notion of a "property" of an entity. 

Uses of Setter in org.hibernate.mapping

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping that return Setter
 Setter Property.getSetter(Class clazz)

Uses of Setter in

Classes in that implement Setter
static class BackrefPropertyAccessor.BackrefSetter
          Internal implementation of a property setter specific to these back-ref properties.
static class BasicPropertyAccessor.BasicSetter
static class DirectPropertyAccessor.DirectSetter
static class Dom4jAccessor.AttributeSetter
          For nodes like "@bar"
static class Dom4jAccessor.Dom4jSetter
static class Dom4jAccessor.ElementAttributeSetter
          For nodes like "foo/@bar"
static class Dom4jAccessor.ElementSetter
          For nodes like "foo"
static class Dom4jAccessor.TextSetter
          For nodes like "."
static class EmbeddedPropertyAccessor.EmbeddedSetter
static class IndexPropertyAccessor.IndexSetter
          The Setter implementation for index backrefs.
static class MapAccessor.MapSetter

Methods in that return Setter
 Setter NoopAccessor.getSetter(Class arg0, String arg1)
 Setter BackrefPropertyAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
          Create a "setter" for the named attribute
 Setter IndexPropertyAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
 Setter ChainedPropertyAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
 Setter BasicPropertyAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
 Setter DirectPropertyAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
 Setter EmbeddedPropertyAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
 Setter Dom4jAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
          Create a "setter" for the named attribute
 Setter PropertyAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)
          Create a "setter" for the named attribute
 Setter MapAccessor.getSetter(Class theClass, String propertyName)

Uses of Setter in org.hibernate.tuple.component

Fields in org.hibernate.tuple.component declared as Setter
protected  Setter[] AbstractComponentTuplizer.setters

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.component that return Setter
protected  Setter Dom4jComponentTuplizer.buildSetter(Component component, Property prop)
protected  Setter PojoComponentTuplizer.buildSetter(Component component, Property prop)
protected  Setter DynamicMapComponentTuplizer.buildSetter(Component component, Property prop)
protected abstract  Setter AbstractComponentTuplizer.buildSetter(Component component, Property prop)

Uses of Setter in org.hibernate.tuple.entity

Fields in org.hibernate.tuple.entity declared as Setter
protected  Setter[] AbstractEntityTuplizer.setters

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.entity that return Setter
protected abstract  Setter AbstractEntityTuplizer.buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty, PersistentClass mappedEntity)
          Build an appropriate Setter for the given property.
protected  Setter Dom4jEntityTuplizer.buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty, PersistentClass mappedEntity)
          Build an appropriate Setter for the given property.
protected  Setter DynamicMapEntityTuplizer.buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty, PersistentClass mappedEntity)
          Build an appropriate Setter for the given property.
protected  Setter PojoEntityTuplizer.buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty, PersistentClass mappedEntity)
          Build an appropriate Setter for the given property.

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.entity with parameters of type Setter
protected abstract  ProxyFactory AbstractEntityTuplizer.buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass mappingInfo, Getter idGetter, Setter idSetter)
          Build an appropriate ProxyFactory for the given mapped entity.
protected  ProxyFactory Dom4jEntityTuplizer.buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass mappingInfo, Getter idGetter, Setter idSetter)
          Build an appropriate ProxyFactory for the given mapped entity.
protected  ProxyFactory DynamicMapEntityTuplizer.buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass mappingInfo, Getter idGetter, Setter idSetter)
          Build an appropriate ProxyFactory for the given mapped entity.
protected  ProxyFactory PojoEntityTuplizer.buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass persistentClass, Getter idGetter, Setter idSetter)
          Build an appropriate ProxyFactory for the given mapped entity.
protected  ProxyFactory PojoEntityTuplizer.buildProxyFactoryInternal(PersistentClass persistentClass, Getter idGetter, Setter idSetter)

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