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The Metamodel itself is described in Chapter 5 Metamodel API of the [JPA 2 Specification]. Chapter 6 Criteria API of the [JPA 2 Specification] describes and shows uses of the metamodel in criteria queries, as does Chapter 9, Criteria Queries.
The metamodel is a set of objects that describe your domain model.
acts as a repository of these metamodel
objects and provides access to them, and can be obtained from either the
or the
via their
This metamodel is important in 2 ways. First, it allows providers and frameworks a generic way to deal with an application's domain model. Persistence providers will already have some form of metamodel that they use to describe the domain model being mapped. This API however defines a single, independent access to that existing information. A validation framework, for example, could use this information to understand associations; a marshaling framework might use this information to decide how much of an entity graph to marshal. This usage is beyond the scope of this documentation.
As of today the JPA 2 metamodel does not provide any facility for accessing relational information pertaining to the physical model. It is expected this will be addressed in a future release of the specification.
Second, from an application writer's perspective, it allows very fluent expression of completely type-safe criteria queries, especially the Static Metamodel approach. The [JPA 2 Specification] defines a number of ways the metamodel can be accessed and used, including the Static Metamodel approach, which we will look at later. The Static Metamodel approach is wonderful when the code has a priori knowledge of the domain model. Chapter 9, Criteria Queries uses this approach exclusively in its examples.
A static metamodel is a series of classes that "mirror" the entities and embeddables in the domain model and provide static access to the metadata about the mirrored class's attributes. We will exclusively discuss what the [JPA 2 Specification] terms a Canonical Metamodel:
Import statements must be included for the needed javax.persistence.metamodel types
as appropriate (e.g., | ||
-- [JPA 2 Specification, section, pp 198-199] |
Example 4.1. Static metamodel example
For the Person
package org.hibernate.jpa2.metamodel.example; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.Entity; @Entity public class Person { @Id private Long id; private String name; private int age; private Address address; @OneToMany private Set<Order> orders; }
The corresponding canonical metamodel class, Person_
would look like
package org.hibernate.jpa2.metamodel.example; import javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.SetAttribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.StaticMetamodel; @StaticMetamodel( Person.class ) public class Person_ { public static volatile SingularAttribute<Person, Long> id; public static volatile SingularAttribute<Person, String> name; public static volatile SingularAttribute<Person, Integer> age; public static volatile SingularAttribute<Person, Address> address; public static volatile SetAttribute<Person, Order> orders; }
These canonical metamodel classes can be generated manually if you wish though it is expected that most developers will prefer use of an annotation processor. Annotation processors themselves are beyond the scope of this document. However, the Hibernate team does develop an annotation processor tool for generating a canonical metamodel. See Hibernate Metamodel Generator.
When the Hibernate EntityManagerFactory
is being built, it will
look for a canonical metamodel class for each of the managed typed is knows about and if it finds
any it will inject the appropriate metamodel information into them, as outlined in
[JPA 2 Specification, section 6.2.2, pg 200]
(from the original) If the class was generated, the
annotation should be
used to annotate the class. The use of any other annotations on static metamodel
classes is undefined.
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