Package org.hibernate.test.dynamicentity

Demonstration of different ways to use Hibernate to represent your domain model as a series of JDK dynamic proxies.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
DataProxyHandler A simple InvocationHandler to act as the handler for our generated Proxy-based entity instances.

Package org.hibernate.test.dynamicentity Description

Demonstration of different ways to use Hibernate to represent your domain model as a series of JDK dynamic proxies. We map the interfaces and then use one of two approaches to get Hibernate to recognize these proxies as domain entities. Really this is demonstrating various "entity representation" capabilities built in to Hibernate3.

First we use an interceptor-based approach where we use a custom Interceptor implementation for interpret incoming proxies (and resolve them to the correct mappings) and to help Hibernate instantiate these proxy instances. This is the quick-and-dirty approach. It is fully expected that this approach will encounter certain limitations.

Next we explore the notion of a Tuplizer and plug in custom Tuplizers to help achieve the same results. Currently, Tuplizers do not have a chance to influence the resolution of entity-name given a potential entity, so we also use an Interceptor here and supply its getEntityName() impl. This is simply so we do not need to supply the entity name explicitly to the Hibernate Session calls.

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