
Interface Summary
MassIndexerProgressMonitor As a MassIndexer can take some time to finish it's job, a MassIndexerProgressMonitor can be defined in the configuration property implementing this interface to track indexing performance.

Class Summary
BatchCoordinator Makes sure that several different BatchIndexingWorkspace(s) can be started concurrently, sharing the same batch-backend and IndexWriters.
BatchIndexingWorkspace This runnable will prepare a pipeline for batch indexing of entities, managing the lifecycle of several ThreadPools.
EntityConsumerLuceneWorkProducer Component of batch-indexing pipeline, using chained producer-consumers.
Executors Helper class to create threads; these threads are grouped and named to be identified in a profiler.
Executors.BlockPolicy A handler for rejected tasks that will have the caller block until space is available.
IdentifierConsumerEntityProducer This Runnable is consuming entity identifiers and producing loaded detached entities for the next queue.
IdentifierProducer This Runnable is going to feed the indexing queue with the identifiers of all the entities going to be indexed.
OptionallyWrapInJTATransaction Wrap the subsequent Runnable in a JTA Transaction if necessary: - if the existing Hibernate Core transaction strategy requires a TransactionManager - if no JTA transaction is already started Unfortunately at this time we need to have access to SessionFactoryImplementor
ProducerConsumerQueue<T> Implements a blocking queue capable of storing a "poison" token to signal consumer threads that the task is finished.

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