
Class Summary
ArrayBridge Each entry (null included) of an array is indexed using the specified FieldBridge.
BigDecimalBridge Map a BigDecimal element
BigIntegerBridge Map a BigInteger element.
BooleanBridge Map a boolean field
CharacterBridge Map a character element
ClassBridge Convert a Class back and forth
DateBridge Bridge a java.util.Date to a String, truncated to the specified resolution.
DoubleBridge Map a double element
DoubleNumericFieldBridge Double numeric field bridge, capable of decoding double values from Field
EnumBridge Map an Enum field
FloatBridge Map a float element
FloatNumericFieldBridge Float numeric field bridge, capable of decoding float values from Field
IntegerBridge Map an integer element
IntegerNumericFieldBridge Integer numeric field bridge, capable of decoding integer values from Field
IterableBridge Each entry (null included) of an Iterable object is indexed using the specified FieldBridge.
LongBridge Map a long element
LongNumericFieldBridge Long numeric field bridge, capable of decoding long values from Field
MapBridge Each entry (null included) of the values in a Map is indexed using the specified FieldBridge.
NumberBridge Base class for numbers - integer, double, etc.
NumericFieldBridge Bridge to index numeric values using a Trie structure (multiple terms representing different precisions)
ShortBridge Map a short element
StringBridge Map a string element
UriBridge Bridge for URI
UrlBridge Bridge for URLs.

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