Package org.hibernate.junit

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractClassLoaderIsolatedTestCase A specialized TestCase for running tests in an isolated class-loader
DialectChecks Container class for different implementation of the DialectCheck interface.
SkipLog Well-known-location lookup for the test-skip log...
TestSuiteVisitor Handles walking a TestSuite hierarchy for recognition of individual tests.
UnitTestCase A basic JUnit TestCase subclass for adding some Hibernate specific behavior and functionality.

Annotation Types Summary
FailureExpected Annotations used to mark a test as an expected failure.
RequiresDialect Annotation used to indicate that a test should be run only when run against the indicated dialects.
RequiresDialectFeature Annotation used to indicate that a test should be run only when the current dialect supports the specified feature.
SkipForDialect Annotation used to indicate that a test should be skipped when run against the indicated dialects.

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