Interface MetaDataProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationMetaDataProvider, ProgrammaticMetaDataProvider, XmlMetaDataProvider

public interface MetaDataProvider
A provider for constraint related meta data such as constraints, default group sequences etc.

Implementations are based one different meta data sources such as XML, programmatic mappings and annotations. Meta data providers only return meta data directly configured for one class, they don't deal with merging meta data from super-classes or implemented interfaces.

Gunnar Morling, Hardy Ferentschik
  • Method Details

    • getAnnotationProcessingOptions

      AnnotationProcessingOptions getAnnotationProcessingOptions()
      Returns the annotation processing options as configured by this provider.
      The annotation processing options as configured by this provider.
    • getBeanConfiguration

      <T> BeanConfiguration<? super T> getBeanConfiguration(Class<T> beanClass)
      Returns a bean configuration for the given type or null if this provider has no meta-data on the given type.