Class BeanConfiguration<T>


public class BeanConfiguration<T> extends Object
Represents the complete constraint related configuration of one Java type originating from one ConfigurationSource. Contains meta-data on constraints (field, method and class level) as well as meta data on default group sequences.
Gunnar Morling
  • Constructor Details

    • BeanConfiguration

      public BeanConfiguration(ConfigurationSource source, Class<T> beanClass, Set<? extends ConstrainedElement> constrainedElements, List<Class<?>> defaultGroupSequence, DefaultGroupSequenceProvider<? super T> defaultGroupSequenceProvider)
      Creates a new bean configuration.
      source - The source of this configuration.
      beanClass - The type represented by this configuration.
      constrainedElements - The constraint elements representing this type's fields, methods etc.
      defaultGroupSequence - The default group sequence for the given type as configured by the given configuration source.
      defaultGroupSequenceProvider - The default group sequence provider for the given type as configured by the given configuration source.
  • Method Details