Uses of Interface

Packages that use Cache
org.infinispan This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. 
org.infinispan.atomic This package contains the AtomicMap interfaces and API that Infinispan exposes as building blocks in creating other public interfaces such as the Tree API. 
org.infinispan.commands Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. 
org.infinispan.eviction Classes related to eviction. 
org.infinispan.factories Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. 
org.infinispan.loaders This package contains loaders and stores, which are used for overflow or persistence. 
org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje This package contains a CacheStore implementation based on Oracle's BDBJE storage engine. This package contains a CacheStore implementation based on JClouds, which in turn is an abstraction layer to store data on cloud infrastructure providers such as Amazon's S3, RackspaceCloud's CloudFiles, Microsoft's Windows Azure Blob Storage API, and others. 
org.infinispan.loaders.cluster A CacheLoader (not CacheStore) that polls other nodes in the cluster for state. 
org.infinispan.loaders.decorators This package contains loaders and stores, which are used for overflow or persistence. 
org.infinispan.loaders.file Simple filesystem-based CacheStore implementation. 
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary This JDBC CacheStore implementation is optimized for storing binary (non-String) keys in the cache. 
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed This is a delegating CacheStore implementation that delegates either to a binary or String based JDBC cache store depending on the key used. 
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.stringbased This JDBC CacheStore implementation is optimized for storing String keys in the cache. 
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbm This package contains a CacheStore implementation based on persisting to JDBM. 
org.infinispan.manager Cache manager package 
org.infinispan.tree This package contains the TreeCache. 

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan

Subinterfaces of Cache in org.infinispan
 interface AdvancedCache<K,V>
          An advanced interface that exposes additional methods not available on Cache.

Classes in org.infinispan that implement Cache
 class AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache<K,V>
          Similar to AbstractDelegatingCache, but for AdvancedCache.
 class AbstractDelegatingCache<K,V>
          This is a convenient base class for implementing a cache delegate.
 class CacheDelegate<K,V>

Constructors in org.infinispan with parameters of type Cache
AbstractDelegatingCache(Cache<K,V> cache)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.atomic

Methods in org.infinispan.atomic with parameters of type Cache
<MK,K,V> AtomicMap<K,V>
AtomicMapLookup.getAtomicMap(Cache<?,?> cache, MK key)
          Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key.
 AtomicMap<K,V> AtomicHashMap.getProxy(Cache cache, Object mapKey, BatchContainer batchContainer, InvocationContextContainer icc)
static AtomicHashMap AtomicHashMap.newInstance(Cache cache, Object cacheKey)
          Construction only allowed through this factory method.

Constructors in org.infinispan.atomic with parameters of type Cache
AtomicHashMapProxy(Cache cache, Object deltaMapKey, BatchContainer batchContainer, InvocationContextContainer icc)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.commands

Methods in org.infinispan.commands with parameters of type Cache
 void CommandsFactoryImpl.setupDependencies(DataContainer container, CacheNotifier notifier, Cache cache, InterceptorChain interceptorChain, DistributionManager distributionManager, InvocationContextContainer icc, TransactionTable txTable, Configuration configuration)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.ec2demo

Methods in org.infinispan.ec2demo that return Cache
 Cache ProteinCache.getCache()
 Cache NucleotideCache.getCache()
 Cache InfluenzaVirusCache.getCache()

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.eviction

Methods in org.infinispan.eviction with parameters of type Cache
 void EvictionManagerImpl.initialize(ScheduledExecutorService executor, Configuration configuration, Cache<Object,Object> cache, DataContainer dataContainer, CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.factories

Methods in org.infinispan.factories that return Cache
 Cache<K,V> InternalCacheFactory.createCache(Configuration configuration, GlobalComponentRegistry globalComponentRegistry, String cacheName)
          This implementation clones the configuration passed in before using it.
 Cache<K,V> InternalCacheFactory.createDefaultCache(Configuration configuration)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders

Fields in org.infinispan.loaders declared as Cache
protected  Cache AbstractCacheStore.cache

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders with parameters of type Cache
 void LockSupportCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache<?,?> cache, Marshaller m)
 void CacheLoader.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache<?,?> cache, Marshaller m)
          Used to initialize a cache loader.
 void AbstractCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache<?,?> cache, Marshaller m)
 void CacheLoaderManagerImpl.inject(Cache cache, Marshaller marshaller, Configuration configuration)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje with parameters of type Cache
 void BdbjeCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, Marshaller m)
          Used to initialize a cache loader.

Uses of Cache in

Methods in with parameters of type Cache
 void CloudCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig cfg, Cache<?,?> cache, Marshaller m)
 void CloudCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig cfg, Cache<?,?> cache, Marshaller m, org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContext ctx, org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore blobStore, org.jclouds.blobstore.AsyncBlobStore asyncBlobStore, boolean constructInternalBlobstores)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.cluster

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.cluster with parameters of type Cache
 void ClusterCacheLoader.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, Marshaller m)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.decorators

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.decorators with parameters of type Cache
 void AsyncStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache<?,?> cache, Marshaller m)
 void AbstractDelegatingStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache<?,?> cache, Marshaller m)
 void ChainingCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, Marshaller m)
protected  void SingletonStore.pushState(Cache cache)
          Pushes the state of a specific cache by reading the cache's data and putting in the cache store.

Constructors in org.infinispan.loaders.decorators with parameters of type Cache
SingletonStore(CacheStore delegate, Cache cache, SingletonStoreConfig config)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.file

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.file with parameters of type Cache
 void FileCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, Marshaller m)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary with parameters of type Cache
 void JdbcBinaryCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, Marshaller m)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed with parameters of type Cache
 void JdbcMixedCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, Marshaller m)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.stringbased

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.stringbased with parameters of type Cache
 void JdbcStringBasedCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, Marshaller m)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbm

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbm with parameters of type Cache
 void JdbmCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig clc, Cache cache, Marshaller m)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.lucene

Methods in org.infinispan.lucene that return Cache
 Cache<CacheKey,Object> InfinispanDirectory.getCache()

Constructors in org.infinispan.lucene with parameters of type Cache
InfinispanDirectory(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache)
InfinispanDirectory(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, String indexName)
InfinispanDirectory(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, String indexName, int chunkSize)
InfinispanDirectory(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, String indexName, lf)
InfinispanDirectory(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, String indexName, lf, int chunkSize)
InfinispanIndexIO.InfinispanIndexInput(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, FileCacheKey fileKey)
InfinispanIndexIO.InfinispanIndexInput(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, FileCacheKey fileKey, int bufferSize)
InfinispanIndexIO.InfinispanIndexOutput(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, FileCacheKey fileKey, int bufferSize, FileMetadata fileMetadata)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.lucene.locking

Constructors in org.infinispan.lucene.locking with parameters of type Cache
LuceneLockFactory(Cache<CacheKey,Object> cache, String indexName)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.manager

Methods in org.infinispan.manager that return Cache
<K,V> Cache<K,V>
          Retrieves the default cache associated with this cache manager.
<K,V> Cache<K,V>
          Retrieves the default cache associated with this cache manager.
<K,V> Cache<K,V>
DefaultCacheManager.getCache(String cacheName)
          Retrieves a named cache from the system.
<K,V> Cache<K,V>
CacheManager.getCache(String cacheName)
          Retrieves a named cache from the system.

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event

Methods in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event that return Cache
 Cache EventImpl.getCache()
 Cache Event.getCache()

Methods in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event with parameters of type Cache
 void EventImpl.setCache(Cache cache)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.query

Constructors in org.infinispan.query with parameters of type Cache
QueryFactory(Cache cache, QueryHelper qh)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.query.backend

Constructors in org.infinispan.query.backend with parameters of type Cache
QueryHelper(Cache cache, Properties properties, Class... classes)
          Constructor that will take in 3 params and build the searchFactory for Hibernate Search.

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.query.impl

Fields in org.infinispan.query.impl declared as Cache
protected  Cache AbstractIterator.cache

Constructors in org.infinispan.query.impl with parameters of type Cache
CacheQueryImpl( luceneQuery, searchFactory, Cache cache, Class... classes)
EagerIterator(List<Object> idList, Cache cache, int fetchSize)
LazyIterator( extractor, Cache cache, searcher, searchFactory, int first, int max, int fetchSize)

Uses of Cache in org.infinispan.tree

Fields in org.infinispan.tree declared as Cache
protected  Cache<NodeKey,AtomicMap<?,?>> TreeStructureSupport.cache

Methods in org.infinispan.tree that return Cache
 Cache<?,?> TreeCacheImpl.getCache()
 Cache<?,?> TreeCache.getCache()

Methods in org.infinispan.tree with parameters of type Cache
<K,V> TreeCache<K,V>
TreeCacheFactory.createTreeCache(Cache<K,V> cache)
          Creates a TreeCache instance by taking in a Cache as a parameter

Constructors in org.infinispan.tree with parameters of type Cache
NodeImpl(Fqn fqn, Cache<?,?> cache, BatchContainer batchContainer, InvocationContextContainer icc)
TreeCacheImpl(Cache<?,?> cache)
TreeStructureSupport(Cache<?,?> cache, BatchContainer batchContainer, InvocationContextContainer icc)

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