Package org.infinispan.util

General utilities that are not specific to Infinispan, including string parsing helpers, reflection tools and collections and containers designed to supplement the JDK-provided containers.


Interface Summary
BidirectionalMap<K,V> An extension of Map that returns ReversibleOrderedSets
ReversibleOrderedSet<E> A set that allows reverse iteration of the set elements, exposed via the ReversibleOrderedSet.reverseIterator() method.

Class Summary
AbstractMap<K,V> Similar to the JDK's AbstractMap, this provides common functionality for custom map implementations.
BeanUtils Simple JavaBean manipulation helper methods
BidirectionalLinkedHashMap<K,V> Similar to the JDK's LinkedHashMap except that this version makes use of the fact that entries are bidirectionally linked and can hence be navigated either from the start or from the end.
ClassFinder Find infinispan classes utility
FastCopyHashMap<K,V> A HashMap that is optimized for fast shallow copies.
FileLookup Holds the logic of looking up a file, in the following sequence: try to load it with the curent thread's context ClassLoader if fails, the system ClassLoader if fails, try to load it as a file from the disck
ImmutableListCopy<E> A lightweight, read-only copy of a List.
Immutables Factory for generating immutable type wrappers.
InfinispanCollections Static helpers for Infinispan-specific collections
JaxbSchemaGenerator Generates XML schema using JAXB annotations from our configuration class hierarchy.
ModuleProperties The ModuleProperties class represents Infinispan's module configuration key value pairs.
ObjectDuplicator A helper that efficiently duplicates known object types.
Proxies Proxies is a collection of useful dynamic profixes.
ReflectionUtil Basic reflection utilities to enhance what the JDK provides.
SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V> Where is Java 1.6?
TimSort<T> TimSort, backported from JDK7 sources (build openjdk-7-ea-src-b77-03_dec_2009).
TypedProperties Type-aware properties.
Util General utility methods used throughout the JBC code base.
Util.MapModifications Static inner class that holds 3 maps - for data added, removed and modified.
VisitableBidirectionalLinkedHashSet<E> Similar to the JDK's LinkedHashSet except that it sets the underlying LinkedHashMap's accessOrder constructor parameter to true, allowing for recording of visits.

Package org.infinispan.util Description

General utilities that are not specific to Infinispan, including string parsing helpers, reflection tools and collections and containers designed to supplement the JDK-provided containers.

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