Uses of Interface

Packages that use AutoInstantiableFactory
org.infinispan.factories Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. 

Uses of AutoInstantiableFactory in org.infinispan.factories

Classes in org.infinispan.factories that implement AutoInstantiableFactory
 class DataContainerFactory
          Constructs the data container
 class DistributionManagerFactory
 class EmptyConstructorFactory
          Factory for building global-scope components which have default empty constructors
 class EmptyConstructorNamedCacheFactory
          Simple factory that just uses reflection and an empty constructor of the component type.
 class InterceptorChainFactory
          Factory class that builds an interceptor chain based on cache configuration.
 class LockManagerFactory
          Factory class that creates instances of LockManager.
 class MarshallerFactory
 class NamedExecutorsFactory
          A factory that specifically knows how to create named executors.
 class ReplicationQueueFactory
          Factory for ReplicationQueue.
 class ResponseGeneratorFactory
          Creates a ResponseGenerator
 class RpcManagerFactory
          A factory for the RpcManager
 class StateTransferManagerFactory
          Constructs StateTransferManager instances.
 class TransactionManagerFactory
          Uses a number of mechanisms to retrieve a transaction manager.
 class TransportFactory
          Factory for Transport implementations

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