Uses of Class

Packages that use CommandInterceptor
org.infinispan This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. 
org.infinispan.config Cache configuration beans and parsers. 
org.infinispan.factories Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. 
org.infinispan.interceptors Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container. 
org.infinispan.interceptors.base Base interceptors containing common, reusable behavior. 

Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan

Methods in org.infinispan that return types with arguments of type CommandInterceptor
 List<CommandInterceptor> CacheDelegate.getInterceptorChain()
 List<CommandInterceptor> AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.getInterceptorChain()
 List<CommandInterceptor> AdvancedCache.getInterceptorChain()
          Retrieves the current Interceptor chain.

Methods in org.infinispan with parameters of type CommandInterceptor
 void CacheDelegate.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor i, int position)
 void AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor i, int position)
 void AdvancedCache.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor i, int position)
          Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, at specified position, where the first interceptor in the chain is at position 0 and the last one at NUM_INTERCEPTORS - 1.
 void CacheDelegate.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
 void AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
 void AdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
          Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, after an instance of the specified interceptor type.
 void CacheDelegate.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
 void AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
 void AdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
          Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, before an instance of the specified interceptor type.

Method parameters in org.infinispan with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor
 void CacheDelegate.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
 void AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
 void AdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
          Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, after an instance of the specified interceptor type.
 void CacheDelegate.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
 void AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
 void AdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
          Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, before an instance of the specified interceptor type.
 void CacheDelegate.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
 void AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
 void AdvancedCache.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
          Removes the interceptor of specified type.

Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.config

Fields in org.infinispan.config declared as CommandInterceptor
protected  CommandInterceptor CustomInterceptorConfig.interceptor

Methods in org.infinispan.config that return CommandInterceptor
 CommandInterceptor CustomInterceptorConfig.getInterceptor()
          Returns a the interceptor that we want to add to the chain.

Methods in org.infinispan.config with parameters of type CommandInterceptor
 void CustomInterceptorConfig.setInterceptor(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
          Returns a the interceptor that we want to add to the chain.

Method parameters in org.infinispan.config with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor
 void CustomInterceptorConfig.setAfterInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
          Adds the interceptor immediately after the first occurrence of an interceptor having the given class.
 void CustomInterceptorConfig.setBeforeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
          Adds the interceptor immediately before the first occurrence of an interceptor having the given class.

Constructors in org.infinispan.config with parameters of type CommandInterceptor
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
          Constructs an interceptor config based on the supplied interceptor instance.
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor, boolean first, boolean last, int index, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> after, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> before)
          Builds a custom interceptor configuration.
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor, boolean first, boolean last, int index, String after, String before)
          Builds a custom interceptor configuration.

Constructor parameters in org.infinispan.config with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor, boolean first, boolean last, int index, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> after, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> before)
          Builds a custom interceptor configuration.
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor, boolean first, boolean last, int index, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> after, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> before)
          Builds a custom interceptor configuration.

Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.factories

Methods in org.infinispan.factories that return CommandInterceptor
 CommandInterceptor InterceptorChainFactory.createInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> clazz)

Method parameters in org.infinispan.factories with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor
 CommandInterceptor InterceptorChainFactory.createInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> clazz)

Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors

Subclasses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors
 class ActivationInterceptor
 class BatchingInterceptor
          Interceptor that captures batched calls and attaches contexts.
 class CacheLoaderInterceptor
 class CacheMgmtInterceptor
          Captures cache management statistics
 class CacheStoreInterceptor
          Writes modifications back to the store on the way out: stores modifications back through the CacheLoader, either after each method call (no TXs), or at TX commit.
 class CallInterceptor
          Always at the end of the chain, directly in front of the cache.
 class DeadlockDetectingInterceptor
          This interceptor populates the DeadlockDetectingGlobalTransaction with appropriate information needed in order to accomplish deadlock detection.
 class DistCacheStoreInterceptor
          Cache store interceptor specific for the distribution cache mode.
 class DistLockingInterceptor
          A subclass of the locking interceptor that is able to differentiate committing changes on a ReadCommittedEntry for storage in the main cache or in L1, used by DIST
 class DistributionInterceptor
          The interceptor that handles distribution of entries across a cluster, as well as transparent lookup
 class DistTxInterceptor
          A special form of the TxInterceptor that is aware of distribution and consistent hashing, and as such only replays methods during a remote prepare that are targeted to this specific cache instance.
 class ImplicitEagerLockingInterceptor
          Interceptor in charge of eager, implicit locking of cache keys across cluster within transactional context

For more details refer to:

 class InvalidationInterceptor
          This interceptor acts as a replacement to the replication interceptor when the CacheImpl is configured with ClusteredSyncMode as INVALIDATE.
 class InvocationContextInterceptor
 class LockingInterceptor
          Interceptor to implement MVCC functionality.
 class MarshalledValueInterceptor
          Interceptor that handles the wrapping and unwrapping of cached data using MarshalledValues.
 class NotificationInterceptor
          The interceptor in charge of firing off notifications to cache listeners
 class PassivationInterceptor
          Writes evicted entries back to the store on the way in through the CacheStore
 class ReplicationInterceptor
          Takes care of replicating modifications to other caches in a cluster.
 class TxInterceptor
          Interceptor in charge with handling transaction related operations, e.g enlisting cache as an transaction participant, propagating remotely initiated changes.

Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors that return CommandInterceptor
 CommandInterceptor InterceptorChain.getFirstInChain()

Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors that return types with arguments of type CommandInterceptor
 List<CommandInterceptor> InterceptorChain.asList()
          Returns an unmofiable list with all the interceptors in sequence.
 List<CommandInterceptor> InterceptorChain.getInterceptorsWhichExtend(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
          Returns all interceptors which extend the given command interceptor.
 List<CommandInterceptor> InterceptorChain.getInterceptorsWithClassName(String name)
          Returns all the interceptors that have the fully qualified name of their class equal with the supplied class name.

Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors with parameters of type CommandInterceptor
 void InterceptorChain.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor interceptor, int position)
          Inserts the given interceptor at the specified position in the chain (o based indexing).
 boolean InterceptorChain.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor toAdd, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
          Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type.
 boolean InterceptorChain.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor toAdd, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
          Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type.
 void InterceptorChain.appendIntereceptor(CommandInterceptor ci)
          Appends at the end.
 boolean InterceptorChain.containsInstance(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
          Checks whether the chain contains the supplied interceptor instance.
 boolean InterceptorChain.replaceInterceptor(CommandInterceptor replacingInterceptor, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> toBeReplacedInterceptorType)
          Replaces an existing interceptor of the given type in the interceptor chain with a new interceptor instance passed as parameter.
 void InterceptorChain.setFirstInChain(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
          Mainly used by unit tests to replace the interceptor chain with the starting point passed in.

Method parameters in org.infinispan.interceptors with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor
 boolean InterceptorChain.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor toAdd, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
          Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type.
 boolean InterceptorChain.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor toAdd, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
          Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type.
 boolean InterceptorChain.containsInterceptorType(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
 List<CommandInterceptor> InterceptorChain.getInterceptorsWhichExtend(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
          Returns all interceptors which extend the given command interceptor.
 void InterceptorChain.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> clazz)
          Removes all the occurences of supplied interceptor type from the chain.
 boolean InterceptorChain.replaceInterceptor(CommandInterceptor replacingInterceptor, Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> toBeReplacedInterceptorType)
          Replaces an existing interceptor of the given type in the interceptor chain with a new interceptor instance passed as parameter.

Constructors in org.infinispan.interceptors with parameters of type CommandInterceptor
InterceptorChain(CommandInterceptor first)
          Constructs an interceptor chain having the supplied interceptor as first.

Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors.base

Subclasses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors.base
 class BaseRpcInterceptor
          Acts as a base for all RPC calls
 class JmxStatsCommandInterceptor
          Base class for all the interceptors exposing management statistics.
 class PrePostProcessingCommandInterceptor
          This interceptor adds pre and post processing to each visitXXX() method.

Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors.base that return CommandInterceptor
 CommandInterceptor CommandInterceptor.getNext()
          Retrieves the next interceptor in the chain.

Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors.base with parameters of type CommandInterceptor
 void CommandInterceptor.setNext(CommandInterceptor next)
          Sets the next interceptor in the chain to the interceptor passed in.

Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.query.backend

Subclasses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.query.backend
 class LocalQueryInterceptor

This class is an interceptor that will index data only if it has come from a local source.

 class QueryInterceptor
          This interceptor will be created when the System Property "infinispan.query.indexLocalOnly" is "false"

This type of interceptor will allow the indexing of data even when it comes from other caches within a cluster.


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