Uses of Interface

Packages that use QueryIterator

Uses of QueryIterator in org.infinispan.query

Methods in org.infinispan.query that return QueryIterator
 QueryIterator CacheQuery.iterator()
          Returns the results of a search as a QueryIterator.
 QueryIterator CacheQuery.iterator(int fetchSize)
          Returns the results of a search as a QueryIterator with a given integer parameter - the fetchSize.
 QueryIterator CacheQuery.lazyIterator()
          Calls the CacheQuery.lazyIterator(int fetchSize) method but passes in a default 1 as a parameter.
 QueryIterator CacheQuery.lazyIterator(int fetchSize)
          Lazily loads the results from the Query as a QueryIterator with a given integer parameter - the fetchSize.

Uses of QueryIterator in org.infinispan.query.impl

Classes in org.infinispan.query.impl that implement QueryIterator
 class AbstractIterator
          This is the abstract superclass of the 2 iterators.
 class EagerIterator
          This is the implementation class for the interface QueryResultIterator which extends ListIterator.
 class LazyIterator
          Implementation for QueryIterator.

Methods in org.infinispan.query.impl that return QueryIterator
 QueryIterator CacheQueryImpl.iterator()
 QueryIterator CacheQueryImpl.iterator(int fetchSize)
 QueryIterator CacheQueryImpl.lazyIterator()
 QueryIterator CacheQueryImpl.lazyIterator(int fetchSize)

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