Interface FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Configuration.RecoveryType, Configuration.TransactionType
Enclosing class:

public static interface FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig

Defines transactional (JTA) characteristics of the cache.

Method Summary
 Configuration build()
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig cacheStopTimeout(Integer cacheStopTimeout)
          If there are any ongoing transactions when a cache is stopped, Infinispan waits for ongoing remote and local transactions to finish.
 FluentConfiguration.ClusteringConfig clustering()
 FluentConfiguration.CustomInterceptorsConfig customInterceptors()
 FluentConfiguration.DataContainerConfig dataContainer()
 FluentConfiguration.DeadlockDetectionConfig deadlockDetection()
          This method allows configuration of the deadlock detection.
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig eagerLockSingleNode(Boolean eagerLockSingleNode)
          Only has effect for DIST mode and when useEagerLocking is set to true.
 FluentConfiguration.EvictionConfig eviction()
 FluentConfiguration.ExpirationConfig expiration()
 FluentConfiguration.IndexingConfig indexing()
          This method allows configuration of the indexing subsystem.
 FluentConfiguration.InvocationBatchingConfig invocationBatching()
          This method allows configuration of invocation batching.
 FluentConfiguration.JmxStatisticsConfig jmxStatistics()
          This method allows configuration of jmx statistics.
 FluentConfiguration.LoadersConfig loaders()
 FluentConfiguration.LockingConfig locking()
 FluentConfiguration.RecoveryConfig recovery()
          This method allows configuration of the transaction recovery cache.
 FluentConfiguration.StoreAsBinaryConfig storeAsBinary()
          This method allows configuration of lazy deserialization.
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig syncCommitPhase(Boolean syncCommitPhase)
          If true, the cluster-wide commit phase in two-phase commit (2PC) transactions will be synchronous, so Infinispan will wait for responses from all nodes to which the commit was sent.
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig syncRollbackPhase(Boolean syncRollbackPhase)
          If true, the cluster-wide rollback phase in two-phase commit (2PC) transactions will be synchronous, so Infinispan will wait for responses from all nodes to which the rollback was sent.
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transaction()
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transactionManagerLookup(TransactionManagerLookup transactionManagerLookup)
          Configure Transaction manager lookup directly using an instance of TransactionManagerLookup
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transactionManagerLookupClass(Class<? extends TransactionManagerLookup> transactionManagerLookupClass)
          Fully qualified class name of a class that looks up a reference to a TransactionManager.
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transactionSynchronizationRegistryLookup(TransactionSynchronizationRegistryLookup transactionSynchronizationRegistryLookup)
          Configure Transaction Synchronization Registry lookup directly using an instance of TransactionManagerLookup
 FluentConfiguration.UnsafeConfig unsafe()
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig useEagerLocking(Boolean useEagerLocking)
          Only has effect for DIST mode and when useEagerLocking is set to true.
 FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig useSynchronization(Boolean useSynchronization)

Method Detail


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transactionManagerLookupClass(Class<? extends TransactionManagerLookup> transactionManagerLookupClass)
Fully qualified class name of a class that looks up a reference to a TransactionManager. The default provided is capable of locating the default TransactionManager in most popular Java EE systems, using a JNDI lookup.

transactionManagerLookupClass -


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transactionManagerLookup(TransactionManagerLookup transactionManagerLookup)
Configure Transaction manager lookup directly using an instance of TransactionManagerLookup

transactionManagerLookup - instance to use as lookup
this TransactionConfig


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transactionSynchronizationRegistryLookup(TransactionSynchronizationRegistryLookup transactionSynchronizationRegistryLookup)
Configure Transaction Synchronization Registry lookup directly using an instance of TransactionManagerLookup

transactionSynchronizationRegistryLookup - instance to use as lookup
this TransactionConfig


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig syncCommitPhase(Boolean syncCommitPhase)
If true, the cluster-wide commit phase in two-phase commit (2PC) transactions will be synchronous, so Infinispan will wait for responses from all nodes to which the commit was sent. Otherwise, the commit phase will be asynchronous. Keeping it as false improves performance of 2PC transactions, since any remote failures are trapped during the prepare phase anyway and appropriate rollbacks are issued.

syncCommitPhase -


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig syncRollbackPhase(Boolean syncRollbackPhase)
If true, the cluster-wide rollback phase in two-phase commit (2PC) transactions will be synchronous, so Infinispan will wait for responses from all nodes to which the rollback was sent. Otherwise, the rollback phase will be asynchronous. Keeping it as false improves performance of 2PC transactions.

syncRollbackPhase -


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig useEagerLocking(Boolean useEagerLocking)
Only has effect for DIST mode and when useEagerLocking is set to true. When this is enabled, then only one node is locked in the cluster, disregarding numOwners config. On the opposite, if this is false, then on all cache.lock() calls numOwners RPCs are being performed. The node that gets locked is the main data owner, i.e. the node where data would reside if numOwners==1. If the node where the lock resides crashes, then the transaction is marked for rollback - data is in a consistent state, no fault tolerance.

useEagerLocking -


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig eagerLockSingleNode(Boolean eagerLockSingleNode)
Only has effect for DIST mode and when useEagerLocking is set to true. When this is enabled, then only one node is locked in the cluster, disregarding numOwners config. On the opposite, if this is false, then on all cache.lock() calls numOwners RPCs are being performed. The node that gets locked is the main data owner, i.e. the node where data would reside if numOwners==1. If the node where the lock resides crashes, then the transaction is marked for rollback - data is in a consistent state, no fault tolerance.

eagerLockSingleNode -


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig cacheStopTimeout(Integer cacheStopTimeout)
If there are any ongoing transactions when a cache is stopped, Infinispan waits for ongoing remote and local transactions to finish. The amount of time to wait for is defined by the cache stop timeout. It is recommended that this value does not exceed the transaction timeout because even if a new transaction was started just before the cache was stopped, this could only last as long as the transaction timeout allows it.


FluentConfiguration.RecoveryConfig recovery()
This method allows configuration of the transaction recovery cache. When this method is called, it automatically enables recovery. So, if you want it to be disabled, make sure you call FluentConfiguration.RecoveryConfig.disable()


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig useSynchronization(Boolean useSynchronization)


FluentConfiguration.LockingConfig locking()


FluentConfiguration.LoadersConfig loaders()


FluentConfiguration.TransactionConfig transaction()


FluentConfiguration.DeadlockDetectionConfig deadlockDetection()
This method allows configuration of the deadlock detection. When this method is called, it automatically enables deadlock detection. So, if you want it to be disabled, make sure you call FluentConfiguration.DeadlockDetectionConfig.disable()


FluentConfiguration.CustomInterceptorsConfig customInterceptors()


FluentConfiguration.EvictionConfig eviction()


FluentConfiguration.ExpirationConfig expiration()


FluentConfiguration.ClusteringConfig clustering()


FluentConfiguration.IndexingConfig indexing()
This method allows configuration of the indexing subsystem. When this method is called, it automatically enables indexing. So, if you want it to be disabled, make sure you call FluentConfiguration.IndexingConfig.disable()


FluentConfiguration.DataContainerConfig dataContainer()


FluentConfiguration.UnsafeConfig unsafe()


FluentConfiguration.JmxStatisticsConfig jmxStatistics()
This method allows configuration of jmx statistics. When this method is called, it automatically enables jmx statistics.


FluentConfiguration.StoreAsBinaryConfig storeAsBinary()
This method allows configuration of lazy deserialization. When this method is called, it automatically enables lazy deserialization.


FluentConfiguration.InvocationBatchingConfig invocationBatching()
This method allows configuration of invocation batching. When this method is called, it automatically enables invocation batching.


Configuration build()


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