Uses of Interface

Packages that use Lifecycle
org.infinispan This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. 
org.infinispan.api API package 
org.infinispan.factories Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. 
org.infinispan.loaders This package contains loaders and stores, which are used for overflow or persistence. 
org.infinispan.manager Cache manager package 
org.infinispan.remoting Remote communication between cache instances. 
org.infinispan.remoting.transport Transports handle the low-level networking, used by the remoting components. 
org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups A transport implementation based on JGroups
org.infinispan.tree This package contains the TreeCache. 
org.infinispan.util.concurrent Thread-safe containers and other concurrency-related utilities, designed to supplement JDK concurrency utilities and containers. 

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan
 interface AdvancedCache<K,V>
          An advanced interface that exposes additional methods not available on Cache.
 interface Cache<K,V>
          The central interface of Infinispan.

Classes in org.infinispan that implement Lifecycle
 class AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache<K,V>
          Similar to AbstractDelegatingCache, but for AdvancedCache.
 class AbstractDelegatingCache<K,V>
          This is a convenient base class for implementing a cache delegate.
 class CacheImpl<K,V>
 class CacheSupport<K,V>
 class DecoratedCache<K,V>
          A decorator to a cache, which can be built with a specific ClassLoader and a set of Flags.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.affinity

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.affinity
 interface KeyAffinityService<K>
          Defines a service that generates keys to be mapped to specific nodes in a distributed(vs.

Classes in org.infinispan.affinity that implement Lifecycle
 class KeyAffinityServiceImpl<K>
          Implementation of KeyAffinityService.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.api

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.api
 interface BasicCache<K,V>
          BasicCache provides the common building block for the two different types of caches that Infinispan provides: embedded and remote.
 interface BasicCacheContainer
          BasicCacheContainer defines the methods used to obtain a BasicCache.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.client.hotrod

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.client.hotrod
 interface RemoteCache<K,V>
          Provides remote reference to a Hot Rod server/cluster.

Classes in org.infinispan.client.hotrod that implement Lifecycle
 class RemoteCacheManager
          Factory for RemoteCaches.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl

Classes in org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl that implement Lifecycle
 class RemoteCacheImpl<K,V>
 class RemoteCacheSupport<K,V>
          Purpose: keep all delegating and unsupported methods in one place -> readability.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.factories

Classes in org.infinispan.factories that implement Lifecycle
 class AbstractComponentRegistry
          A registry where components which have been created are stored.
 class ComponentRegistry
          Named cache specific components
 class GlobalComponentRegistry
          A global component registry where shared components are stored.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.loaders

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.loaders
 interface CacheLoaderManager
          The cache loader manager interface

Classes in org.infinispan.loaders that implement Lifecycle
 class CacheLoaderManagerImpl

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.manager

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.manager
 interface CacheContainer
 interface CacheManager
 interface EmbeddedCacheManager
          EmbeddedCacheManager is an CacheManager that runs in the same JVM as the client.

Classes in org.infinispan.manager that implement Lifecycle
 class AbstractDelegatingEmbeddedCacheManager
          This is a convenient base class for implementing a cache manager delegate.
 class DefaultCacheManager
          A CacheManager is the primary mechanism for retrieving a Cache instance, and is often used as a starting point to using the Cache.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.remoting

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.remoting
 interface ReplicationQueue
          Periodically (or when certain size is exceeded) takes elements and replicates them.

Classes in org.infinispan.remoting that implement Lifecycle
 class ReplicationQueueImpl
          A default implementation of the ReplicationQueue interface.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.remoting.transport

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.remoting.transport
 interface Transport
          An interface that provides a communication link with remote caches.

Classes in org.infinispan.remoting.transport that implement Lifecycle
 class AbstractTransport
          Common transport-related behaviour

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups

Classes in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups that implement Lifecycle
 class JGroupsTransport
          An encapsulation of a JGroups transport.

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.tree

Subinterfaces of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.tree
 interface TreeCache<K,V>
          This is a tree-like facade around a Cache allowing for efficient tree-style access to cached data.

Classes in org.infinispan.tree that implement Lifecycle
 class TreeCacheImpl<K,V>

Uses of Lifecycle in org.infinispan.util.concurrent

Methods in org.infinispan.util.concurrent with parameters of type Lifecycle
 void SynchronizedRestarter.restartComponent(Lifecycle component)


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