Interface RpcTreeCacheMBean

All Superinterfaces:
org.jboss.system.Service, org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean, TreeCacheMBean
All Known Implementing Classes:

Deprecated. This class will be removed when JGroups adds a multiplexing capability.

public interface RpcTreeCacheMBean
extends TreeCacheMBean

MBean interface for the RpcTreeCache.

Brian Stansberry

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean
Method Summary
 java.util.List callRemoteMethods(java.lang.String serviceName, java.util.Vector mbrs, org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall method_call, boolean synchronous, boolean exclude_self, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Calls a remote method on nodes in the cluster, targeted at objects registered under a given serviceName.
 java.util.List callRemoteMethods(java.lang.String serviceName, java.util.Vector members, java.lang.reflect.Method method, java.lang.Object[] args, boolean synchronous, boolean exclude_self, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Calls a remote method on nodes in the cluster, targeted at objects registered under a given serviceName.
 java.util.List callRemoteMethods(java.lang.String serviceName, java.util.Vector members, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.Class[] types, java.lang.Object[] args, boolean synchronous, boolean exclude_self, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Calls a remote method on nodes in the cluster, targeted at objects registered under a given serviceName.
 void registerRPCHandler(java.lang.String serviceName, java.lang.Object handler)
          Deprecated. Registers the given object as the on which any MethodCall associated with the given service should be invoked.
 void unregisterRPCHandler(java.lang.String serviceName, java.lang.Object handler)
          Deprecated. Removes the given object as a handler for RPC calls for the given service.
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.cache.TreeCacheMBean
_put, _put, _put, _put, _put, _remove, _remove, _remove, _remove, activateRegion, addTreeCacheListener, callRemoteMethods, callRemoteMethods, createService, destroyService, dumpTransactionTable, evict, exists, exists, exists, exists, fetchState, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, getBuddyReplicationConfig, getCacheLoader, getCacheLoaderAsynchronous, getCacheLoaderClass, getCacheLoaderConfig, getCacheLoaderConfiguration, getCacheLoaderFetchPersistentState, getCacheLoaderFetchTransientState, getCacheLoaderPassivation, getCacheLoaderPreload, getCacheLoaderShared, getCacheMode, getChildrenNames, getChildrenNames, getChildrenNames, getClusterName, getClusterProperties, getDeadlockDetection, getEvictionPolicyClass, getEvictionThreadWakeupIntervalSeconds, getFetchInMemoryState, getFetchStateOnStartup, getInitialStateRetrievalTimeout, getInstance, getInterceptorChain, getInterceptors, getIsolationLevel, getKeys, getKeys, getLocalAddress, getLockAcquisitionTimeout, getMembers, getMultiplexerService, getMultiplexerStack, getNodeLockingScheme, getNumberOfAttributes, getNumberOfLocksHeld, getNumberOfNodes, getPojoCacheConfig, getReplicationVersion, getReplQueueInterval, getReplQueueMaxElements, getStateTransferVersion, getSyncCommitPhase, getSyncReplTimeout, getSyncRollbackPhase, getTransactionManager, getTransactionManagerLookupClass, getUseInterceptorMbeans, getUseMarshalling, getUseRegionBasedMarshalling, getUseReplQueue, getVersion, inactivateRegion, isCoordinator, isInactiveOnStartup, isUsingEviction, load, print, print, printDetails, printLockInfo, purgeCacheLoaders, put, put, put, put, put, put, registerClassLoader, releaseAllLocks, releaseAllLocks, remove, remove, remove, remove, remove, remove, removeData, removeData, removeTreeCacheListener, setBuddyReplicationConfig, setCacheLoader, setCacheLoaderAsynchronous, setCacheLoaderClass, setCacheLoaderConfig, setCacheLoaderConfiguration, setCacheLoaderFetchPersistentState, setCacheLoaderFetchTransientState, setCacheLoaderPassivation, setCacheLoaderPreload, setCacheLoaderShared, setCacheMode, setClusterConfig, setClusterName, setClusterProperties, setDeadlockDetection, setEvictionPolicyClass, setEvictionPolicyConfig, setFetchInMemoryState, setFetchStateOnStartup, setInactiveOnStartup, setInitialStateRetrievalTimeout, setIsolationLevel, setLockAcquisitionTimeout, setMultiplexerService, setMultiplexerStack, setNodeLockingScheme, setPojoCacheConfig, setReplicationVersion, setReplQueueInterval, setReplQueueMaxElements, setStateTransferVersion, setSyncCommitPhase, setSyncReplTimeout, setSyncRollbackPhase, setTransactionManagerLookup, setTransactionManagerLookupClass, setUseMarshalling, setUseRegionBasedMarshalling, setUseReplQueue, startService, stopService, toString, unregisterClassLoader
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean
getName, getState, getStateString, jbossInternalLifecycle
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.system.Service
create, destroy, start, stop

Method Detail


java.util.List callRemoteMethods(java.lang.String serviceName,
                                 java.util.Vector members,
                                 java.lang.reflect.Method method,
                                 java.lang.Object[] args,
                                 boolean synchronous,
                                 boolean exclude_self,
                                 long timeout)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Calls a remote method on nodes in the cluster, targeted at objects registered under a given serviceName.

serviceName - name of a callback handler that will have been registered on the remote end via registerRPCHandler(String, Object).
members - Vector, each of whose members is the Address of one the nodes in the cache's member list. If null, the method will be invoked on all members.
method - method to execute
args - method arguments
synchronous - true if the call should block until all members respond (or timeout); false if the call should return immediately without waiting for responses
exclude_self - should the call be invoked on the callee?
timeout - how long to wait for synchronous responses
List containing the responses that were received, or null if the call is asynchronous. Elements of the list will either be a returned value or an exception if one was returned. Any NoHandlerForRPCException returned will be removed.


java.util.List callRemoteMethods(java.lang.String serviceName,
                                 java.util.Vector mbrs,
                                 org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall method_call,
                                 boolean synchronous,
                                 boolean exclude_self,
                                 long timeout)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Calls a remote method on nodes in the cluster, targeted at objects registered under a given serviceName.

If the cache's cache mode is TreeCache.LOCAL and parameter exclude_self is false this request will be made directly to #_dispatchRpcCall().

serviceName - name of a callback handler that will have been registered on the remote end via registerRPCHandler(String, Object).
members - Vector, each of whose members is the Address of one the nodes in the cache's member list. If null, the method will be invoked on all members.
method_call - method call to execute
synchronous - true if the call should block until all members respond (or timeout); false if the call should return immediately without waiting for responses
exclude_self - should the call be invoked on the callee?
timeout - how long to wait for synchronous responses
List containing the responses that were received, or null if the call is asynchronous. Elements of the list will either be a returned value or an exception if one was returned. Any NoHandlerForRPCException returned will be removed.


java.util.List callRemoteMethods(java.lang.String serviceName,
                                 java.util.Vector members,
                                 java.lang.String method_name,
                                 java.lang.Class[] types,
                                 java.lang.Object[] args,
                                 boolean synchronous,
                                 boolean exclude_self,
                                 long timeout)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Calls a remote method on nodes in the cluster, targeted at objects registered under a given serviceName.

serviceName - name of a callback handler that will have been registered on the remote end via registerRPCHandler(String, Object).
members - Vector, each of whose members is the Address of one the nodes in the cache's member list. If null, the method will be invoked on all members.
method_name - name of the method to execute
args - method arguments
synchronous - true if the call should block until all members respond (or timeout); false if the call should return immediately without waiting for responses
exclude_self - should the call be invoked on the callee?
timeout - how long to wait for synchronous responses
List containing the responses that were received, or null if the call is asynchronous. Elements of the list will either be a returned value or an exception if one was returned. Any NoHandlerForRPCException returned will be removed.
NoHandlerForRPCException - if no handler is registered on this node under serviceName.


void registerRPCHandler(java.lang.String serviceName,
                        java.lang.Object handler)
Registers the given object as the on which any MethodCall associated with the given service should be invoked.

serviceName - name of a service that will be receiving RPC calls
handler - object on which RPC calls for serviceName can be invoked.
See Also:


void unregisterRPCHandler(java.lang.String serviceName,
                          java.lang.Object handler)
Removes the given object as a handler for RPC calls for the given service.

serviceName - name of a service that will be receiving RPC calls
handler - object that was previously passed to registerRPCHandler(String, Object) for serviceName.
handler -

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