Class MRUAlgorithm

  extended by org.jboss.cache.eviction.BaseEvictionAlgorithm
      extended by org.jboss.cache.eviction.MRUAlgorithm
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MRUAlgorithm
extends BaseEvictionAlgorithm

Most Recently Used Algorithm.

This algorithm will evict the most recently used cache entries from cache.

Note: None of the Eviction classes are thread safe. It is assumed that an individual instance of an EvictionPolicy/ EvictionAlgorithm/EvictionQueue/EvictionConfiguration are only operated on by one thread at any given time.

$Revision: 7168 $
Daniel Huang (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jboss.cache.eviction.BaseEvictionAlgorithm
allowTombstones, cache, configuration, evictionActionPolicy, evictionAlgorithmConfig, evictionQueue, recycleQueue, regionFqn
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Class<? extends EvictionAlgorithmConfig> getConfigurationClass()
          This is a helper so that the XML parser will be able to select and use the correct EvictionAlgorithmConfig implementation class corresponding to this EvictionAlgorithm.
protected  void processVisitedNodes(EvictionEvent evictedEventNode)
          Visit a node in cache.
protected  EvictionQueue setupEvictionQueue()
          This method will create an EvictionQueue implementation and prepare it for use.
protected  boolean shouldEvictNode(NodeEntry ne)
          This method will check whether the given node should be evicted or not.
Methods inherited from class org.jboss.cache.eviction.BaseEvictionAlgorithm
assignToRegion, canIgnoreEvent, emptyRecycleQueue, evict, evictCacheNode, getEvictionActionPolicy, getEvictionAlgorithmConfig, getEvictionQueue, getNextInQueue, initialize, isNodeInUseAndNotTimedOut, isYoungerThanMinimumTimeToLive, process, processAddedElement, processAddedNodes, processAddedNodes, processMarkInUseNodes, processQueues, processRemovedElement, processRemovedNodes, processUnmarkInUseNodes, prune, resetEvictionQueue, setEvictionActionPolicy, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MRUAlgorithm()
Method Detail


protected EvictionQueue setupEvictionQueue()
                                    throws EvictionException
Description copied from class: BaseEvictionAlgorithm
This method will create an EvictionQueue implementation and prepare it for use.

Specified by:
setupEvictionQueue in class BaseEvictionAlgorithm
The created EvictionQueue to be used as the eviction queue for this algorithm.
EvictionException - if there are problems
See Also:


protected boolean shouldEvictNode(NodeEntry ne)
Description copied from class: BaseEvictionAlgorithm
This method will check whether the given node should be evicted or not.

Specified by:
shouldEvictNode in class BaseEvictionAlgorithm
ne - NodeEntry to test eviction for.
True if the given node should be evicted. False if the given node should not be evicted.


protected void processVisitedNodes(EvictionEvent evictedEventNode)
                            throws EvictionException
Description copied from class: BaseEvictionAlgorithm
Visit a node in cache.

This method will update the numVisits and modifiedTimestamp properties of the Node. These properties are used as statistics to determine eviction (LRU, LFU, MRU, etc..)

*Note* that this method updates Node Entries by reference and does not put them back into the queue. For some sorted collections, a remove, and a re-add is required to maintain the sorted order of the elements.

processVisitedNodes in class BaseEvictionAlgorithm


public Class<? extends EvictionAlgorithmConfig> getConfigurationClass()
Description copied from interface: EvictionAlgorithm
This is a helper so that the XML parser will be able to select and use the correct EvictionAlgorithmConfig implementation class corresponding to this EvictionAlgorithm. E.g., the FIFOAlgorithm would return FIFOAlgorithmConfig.class.

a class that is used to configure this EvictionAlgorithm.

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