Interface SecurityContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
JaasSecurityContext, ServletSecurityContext

public interface SecurityContext

A security context provides a pluggable means to support disparate authentication and authorization mechanisms that specify the user name and roles.

A security context should only be associated with the execution context after authentication has occurred.

Method Summary
 String getUserName()
          Returns the authenticated user's name
 boolean hasRole(String roleName)
          Returns whether the authenticated user has the given role.
 void logout()
          Logs the user out of the authentication mechanism.

Method Detail


String getUserName()
Returns the authenticated user's name

the authenticated user's name


boolean hasRole(String roleName)
Returns whether the authenticated user has the given role.

roleName - the name of the role to check
true if the user has the role and is logged in; false otherwise


void logout()
Logs the user out of the authentication mechanism.

For some authentication mechanisms, this will be implemented as a no-op.

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