
Class Summary
BinarySecurityToken Represents a WS-Security BinarySecurityToken.
BinarySecurityTokenExtractor This SecurityInfoExtractor implementation will extract data from a BinarySecurityToken if one exist in the xml String passed to this instances extractSecurityInfo method.
SamlAssertionExtractor Extracts SAML Assertions from a String containing a SOAP Message.
SamlSoapAssertionExtractor Extracts SAML Assertions from a SOAPMessage.
SamlVisitor Extends SOAPSecurityHeaderVisitor to add a SAML Assertion to a SOAP Security Header.
SoapConstants Holds constants for SOAP related elements.
SoapExtractionUtil Util class for operations common to extractors that deal with soap xml messages.
SOAPExtractorUtil Util class containing methods to help extract SOAP Security Headers
SOAPSecurityHeaderVisitor SOAPSecurityHeaderVisitor is a Smooks Visitor that will add a SOAP Security Header to a SOAP Envelope.
UsernameToken Placeholder for security information form a ws request.
UsernameTokenExtractor WSSecurityInfoExtractor extracts security related information from a SOAP security header.
WSSecuritySoapExtractor WSSecurityInfoExtractor extracts security related information from a SOAP security header.