Package org.jboss.soa.esb.addressing.eprs

Class Summary
EmailEpr A helper class for using email style EPRs.
FileEpr A helper class for using file based EPRs.
FTPEpr A helper class for using FTP style EPRs.
FTPSEpr A helper class for using FTPS style EPRs.
HibernateEpr This class is a helper class for using Hibernate EPRs.
HTTPEpr A helper class for using HTTP style EPRs.
InVMEpr A helper class for using in-VM communication.
JDBCEpr A helper class for using database style EPRs.
JMSEpr A helper class for using JMS style EPRs.
LogicalEPR Logical EPR.
SFTPEpr A helper class for using SFTP style EPRs.

Enum Summary
JMSEpr.AcknowledgeMode Enum to type-safe JMS Client Acknowledgement mode string mappings to JMS Session's integers.