Package org.jboss.messaging.core.server

Interface Summary
ConnectionManager An interface that allows management of ConnectionEnpoints and their association with remoting clients.
Consumer A ClientConsumer
Delivery A Delivery
DistributionPolicy A DistributionPolicy
MessageReference A reference to a message.
MessagingComponent A MessagingComponent
MessagingServer This interface defines the internal interface of the Messaging Server exposed to other components of the server.
Queue A Queue
QueueFactory A QueueFactory Implementations of this class know how to create queues with the correct attribute values based on default and overrides
ServerConnection A ServerConnection
ServerConsumer A ServerConsumer
ServerMessage A ServerMessage
ServerProducer A ServerProducer
ServerSession A ServerSession

Enum Summary
HandleStatus A HandleStatus HANDLED means the MessageReference was handled NO_MATCH means the MessageReference was rejected by a Filter BUSY means the MessageReference was rejected since the ClientConsumer was busy
JournalType A JournalType

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