JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 2. Overview

2.1. TxCore
2.2. Saving object states
2.3. The object store
2.4. Recovery and persistence
2.5. The life cycle of a Transactional Object for Java
2.6. The concurrency controller
2.7. The transactional protocol engine
2.8. The class hierarchy

A transaction is a unit of work that encapsulates multiple database actions such that that either all the encapsulated actions fail or all succeed.

Transactions ensure data integrity when an application interacts with multiple datasources.

This chapter contains a description of the use of the TxCore transaction engine and the Transactional Objects for Java (TXOJ) classes and facilities. The classes mentioned in this chapter are the key to writing fault-tolerant applications using transactions. Thus, they are described and then applied in the construction of a simple application. The classes to be described in this chapter can be found in the com.arjuna.ats.txoj and com.arjuna.ats.arjuna packages.

Stand-Alone Transaction Manager

Although JBoss Transaction Service can be embedded in various containers, such as JBoss Application Server, it remains a stand-alone transaction manager as well. There are no dependencies between the core JBoss Transaction Service and any container implementations.

In keeping with the object-oriented view, the mechanisms needed to construct reliable distributed applications are presented to programmers in an object-oriented manner. Some mechanisms need to be inherited, for example, concurrency control and state management. Other mechanisms, such as object storage and transactions, are implemented as TxCore objects that are created and manipulated like any other object.

TxCore exploits object-oriented techniques to present programmers with a toolkit of Java classes from which application classes can inherit to obtain desired properties, such as persistence and concurrency control. These classes form a hierarchy, part of which is shown in Figure 2.1, “TxCore Class Hierarchy” and which will be described later in this document.

Apart from specifying the scopes of transactions, and setting appropriate locks within objects, the application programmer does not have any other responsibilities: TxCore and TXOJ guarantee that transactional objects will be registered with, and be driven by, the appropriate transactions, and crash recovery mechanisms are invoked automatically in the event of failures.

TxCore needs to be able to remember the state of an object for several purposes.

Since these requirements have common functionality they are all implemented using the same mechanism: the classes InputObjectState and OutputObjectState. The classes maintain an internal array into which instances of the standard types can be contiguously packed or unpacked using appropriate pack or unpack operations. This buffer is automatically resized as required should it have insufficient space. The instances are all stored in the buffer in a standard form called network byte order, making them machine independent. Any other architecture-independent format, such as XDR or ASN.1, can be implemented simply by replacing the operations with ones appropriate to the encoding required.

Implementations of persistence can be affected by restrictions imposed by the Java SecurityManager. Therefore, the object store provided with TxCore is implemented using the techniques of interface and implementation. The current distribution includes implementations which write object states to the local file system or database, and remote implementations, where the interface uses a client stub (proxy) to remote services.

Persistent objects are assigned unique identifiers, which are instances of the Uid class, when they are created. These identifiers are used to identify them within the object store. States are read using the read_committed operation and written by the write_committed and write_uncommitted operations.

At the root of the class hierarchy is the class StateManager. StateManager is responsible for object activation and deactivation, as well as object recovery. Refer to Example 2.1, “Statemanager” for the simplified signature of the class.

Objects are assumed to be of three possible flavors.

Three Flavors of Objects


StateManager attempts to generate and maintain appropriate recovery information for the object. Such objects have lifetimes that do not exceed the application program that creates them.

Recoverable and Persistent

The lifetime of the object is assumed to be greater than that of the creating or accessing application, so that in addition to maintaining recovery information, StateManager attempts to automatically load or unload any existing persistent state for the object by calling the activate or deactivate operation at appropriate times.

Neither Recoverable nor Persistent

No recovery information is ever kept, nor is object activation or deactivation ever automatically attempted.

If an object is recoverable or recoverable and persistent, then StateManager invokes the operations save_state while performing deactivate, and restore_state while performing activate,) at various points during the execution of the application. These operations must be implemented by the programmer since StateManager cannot detect user-level state changes. This gives the programmer the ability to decide which parts of an object’s state should be made persistent. For example, for a spreadsheet it may not be necessary to save all entries if some values can simply be recomputed. The save_state implementation for a class Example that has integer member variables called A, B and C might be implemented as in Example 2.2, “save_state Implementation”.


it is necessary for all save_state and restore_state methods to call super.save_state and super.restore_state. This is to cater for improvements in the crash recovery mechanisms.

A persistent object not in use is assumed to be held in a passive state, with its state residing in an object store and activated on demand. The fundamental life cycle of a persistent object in TXOJ is shown in Figure 2.2, “Life cycle of a persistent Object in TXOJ”.

Figure 2.2. Life cycle of a persistent Object in TXOJ


During its life time, a persistent object may be made active then passive many times.

The concurrency controller is implemented by the class LockManager, which provides sensible default behavior while allowing the programmer to override it if deemed necessary by the particular semantics of the class being programmed. As with StateManager and persistence, concurrency control implementations are accessed through interfaces. As well as providing access to remote services, the current implementations of concurrency control available to interfaces include:

The primary programmer interface to the concurrency controller is via the setlock operation. By default, the runtime system enforces strict two-phase locking following a multiple reader, single writer policy on a per object basis. However, as shown in Figure 2.1, “TxCore Class Hierarchy”, by inheriting from the Lock class, you can provide your own lock implementations with different lock conflict rules to enable type specific concurrency control.

Lock acquisition is, of necessity, under programmer control, since just as StateManager cannot determine if an operation modifies an object, LockManager cannot determine if an operation requires a read or write lock. Lock release, however, is under control of the system and requires no further intervention by the programmer. This ensures that the two-phase property can be correctly maintained.

public class LockResult

    public static final int GRANTED;
    public static final int REFUSED;
    public static final int RELEASED;
public class ConflictType
    public static final int CONFLICT;
    public static final int COMPATIBLE;
    public static final int PRESENT;
public abstract class LockManager extends StateManager
    public static final int defaultRetry;
    public static final int defaultTimeout;
    public static final int waitTotalTimeout;
    public final synchronized boolean releaselock (Uid lockUid);
    public final synchronized int setlock (Lock toSet);
    public final synchronized int setlock (Lock toSet, int retry);
    public final synchronized int setlock (Lock toSet, int retry, int sleepTime);
    public void print (PrintStream strm);
    public String type ();
    public boolean save_state (OutputObjectState os, int ObjectType);
    public boolean restore_state (InputObjectState os, int ObjectType);
    protected LockManager ();
    protected LockManager (int ot);
    protected LockManager (int ot, int objectModel);
    protected LockManager (Uid storeUid);
    protected LockManager (Uid storeUid, int ot);
    protected LockManager (Uid storeUid, int ot, int objectModel);
    protected void terminate ();

The LockManager class is primarily responsible for managing requests to set a lock on an object or to release a lock as appropriate. However, since it is derived from StateManager, it can also control when some of the inherited facilities are invoked. For example, LockManager assumes that the setting of a write lock implies that the invoking operation must be about to modify the object. This may in turn cause recovery information to be saved if the object is recoverable. In a similar fashion, successful lock acquisition causes activate to be invoked.

Example 2.3, “Example Class” shows how to try to obtain a write lock on an object.

The transaction protocol engine is represented by the AtomicAction class, which uses StateManager to record sufficient information for crash recovery mechanisms to complete the transaction in the event of failures. It has methods for starting and terminating the transaction, and, for those situations where programmers need to implement their own resources, methods for registering them with the current transaction. Because TxCore supports sub-transactions, if a transaction is begun within the scope of an already executing transaction it will automatically be nested.

You can use TxCore with multi-threaded applications. Each thread within an application can share a transaction or execute within its own transaction. Therefore, all TxCore classes are also thread-safe.

Example 2.4. Relationships Between Activation, Termination, and Commitment


    . . .
    O1 objct1 = new objct1(Name-A);/* (i) bind to "old" persistent object A */
    O2 objct2 = new objct2();  /* create a "new" persistent object */
    OTS.current().begin();     /* (ii) start of atomic action */
    objct1.op(...);           /* (iii) object activation and invocations */
    . . .
    OTS.current().commit(true);  /* (iv) tx commits & objects deactivated */
}              /* (v) */
Creation of bindings to persistent objects

This could involve the creation of stub objects and a call to remote objects. Here, we re-bind to an existing persistent object identified by Name-A, and a new persistent object. A naming system for remote objects maintains the mapping between object names and locations and is described in a later chapter.

Start of the atomic transaction

Operation invocations

As a part of a given invocation, the object implementation is responsible to ensure that it is locked in read or write mode, assuming no lock conflict, and initialized, if necessary, with the latest committed state from the object store. The first time a lock is acquired on an object within a transaction the object’s state is acquired, if possible, from the object store.

Commit of the top-level action

This includes updating of the state of any modified objects in the object store.

Breaking of the previously created bindings

The principal classes which make up the class hierarchy of TxCore are depicted below.

Programmers of fault-tolerant applications will be primarily concerned with the classes LockManager, Lock, and AtomicAction. Other classes important to a programmer are Uid and ObjectState.

Most TxCore classes are derived from the base class StateManager, which provides primitive facilities necessary for managing persistent and recoverable objects. These facilities include support for the activation and de-activation of objects, and state-based object recovery.

The class LockManager uses the facilities of StateManager and Lock to provide the concurrency control required for implementing the serializability property of atomic actions. The concurrency control consists of two-phase locking in the current implementation. The implementation of atomic action facilities is supported by AtomicAction and TopLevelTransaction.

Consider a simple example. Assume that Example is a user-defined persistent class suitably derived from the LockManager. An application containing an atomic transaction Trans accesses an object called O of type Example, by invoking the operation op1, which involves state changes to O. The serializability property requires that a write lock must be acquired on O before it is modified. Therefore, the body of op1 should contain a call to the setlock operation of the concurrency controller.

Procedure 2.1. Steps followed by the operation setlock

The operation setlock, provided by the LockManager class, performs the following functions in Example 2.5, “Simple Concurrency Control”.

  1. Check write lock compatibility with the currently held locks, and if allowed, continue.

  2. Call the StateManager operation activate.activate will load, if not done already, the latest persistent state of O from the object store, then call the StateManager operation modified, which has the effect of creating an instance of either RecoveryRecord or PersistenceRecord for O, depending upon whether O was persistent or not. The Lock is a WRITE lock so the old state of the object must be retained prior to modification. The record is then inserted into the RecordList of Trans.

  3. Create and insert a LockRecord instance in the RecordList of Trans.

Now suppose that action Trans is aborted sometime after the lock has been acquired. Then the rollback operation of AtomicAction will process the RecordList instance associated with Trans by invoking an appropriate Abort operation on the various records. The implementation of this operation by the LockRecord class will release the WRITE lock while that of RecoveryRecord or PersistenceRecord will restore the prior state of O.

It is important to realize that all of the above work is automatically being performed by TxCore on behalf of the application programmer. The programmer need only start the transaction and set an appropriate lock; TxCore and TXOJ take care of participant registration, persistence, concurrency control and recovery.