Package org.jbpm.command

Interface Summary
CommandService Provides jBPM engine services.

Class Summary
AsynchronousCommand provides extra configuration options for the execution of asynchronous commands.
CancelWorkOnTaskCommand The current authorizes actor starts to work on the TaskInstance so the actor is set to the given actor see some more information why we need that in the ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand THIS COMMAND IS NOT YET STABLE, BUT FEEL FREE TO TEST :-) change the version of a running process instance.
GetProcessDefinitionCommand This Command returns all process definitions (or only the latest if onlyLatest is true)
GetProcessInstanceCommand This command can retrieve the matching process instances (e.g. for admin client) with the given process-id, token id or task-id
GetProcessInstancesCommand This command can retrieve all process instances (e.g. for admin client).
GetTaskInstanceCommand This command can retrieve a task instance (for client) with the given task-id or the token-id (then, the first task for the token is searched)
GetTaskListCommand return a List of TaskInstances for the given actor(s).
NewProcessInstanceCommand Graph command to start a new process and create a task instance if the start node has a start task definition.
SignalCommand Signals a token.
StartProcessInstanceCommand Graph command to start a new process and signal it immidiatly.
StartWorkOnTaskCommand The current authorizes actor starts to work on the TaskInstance so the actor is set to the given actor
TaskInstanceEndCommand end the task with the given id if variables are given as a map, they are added/changed bevore ending the task