JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
This guide will assist you in installing and running a demo setup of the various components of the jBPM project. If you have any feedback on how to improve this guide, if you encounter problems, or if you want to help out, do not hesitate to contact the jBPM community as described in the "What to do if I encounter problems or have questions?" section.
First of all, you need to download the installer. There are two versions, a full installer (which already contains a lot of the dependencies that are necessary during the installation) and a minimal installer (which only contains the installer and will download all dependencies). In general, it is probably best to download the full installer: jBPM-{version}-installer-full.zip
You can also find the latest snapshot release here (only minimal installer) here:
ant install.demo
ant start.demo
ant install.dashboard.into.jboss
ant install.demo.eclipse ant start.demo.eclipse
ant install.demo.noeclipse ant start.demo.noeclipse
The following screencast gives an overview of how to run a simple demo process in Eclipse. It shows you:
Open up the process management console:
Log in, using krisv / krisv as username / password. The following screencast gives an overview of how to manage your process instances. It shows you:
You can always contact the jBPM community for assistance.
IRC: #jbpm at chat.freenode.net
Email: jbpm-dev@lists.jboss.org
Some common issues are explained below.
Q: What if the installer complains it cannot download component X?
Q: What if the installer complains it cannot extract / unzip a certain jar/war/zip?
Q: I sometimes see exceptions when trying to stop or restart certain services, what should I do?
Q: Something seems to be going wrong when running Eclipse but I have no idea what. What can I do?