JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 18. JBoss Portal Identity Portlets

18.1. Introduction
18.1.1. Features
18.2. Configuration
18.2.1. Captcha support
18.2.2. Lost password
18.2.3. Reset password
18.2.4. jBPM based user registration
18.2.5. The configuration file
18.2.6. Customize e-mail templates
18.3. User interface customization
18.3.1. Example 1: required fields
18.3.2. Example 2: dynamic values (dropdown menu with predefined values)
18.3.3. Example 3: adding new properties
18.3.4. Illustration
18.3.5. Customizing the View Profile page
18.4. Customizing the workflow
18.4.1. Duration of process validity
18.5. Disabling the Identity Portlets
18.5.1. Enabling the Identity Portlets

Since JBoss Portal 2.6.2 two new Identity Portlets are shipped by default:

As the names indicate - the User Portlet is responsible for actions related to the end user. Whereas the Identity Management Portlet contains all the functionality for managing users and roles.

The identity portlets provide the following features:

This section covers the configuration of the Identity Portlets.

The lost password feature enables the end user to reset his password by entering his username.

The lost password page with captcha enabled.

The lost password feature can be enabled by changing the portlet preference 'lostPassword' to 'true'. If captcha is enabled it will be also used for verifying the lost password action.

	<display-name>User portlet</display-name>

The Identity Portlets use some metadata which can be easily changed in the main configuration file, which is located at jboss-portal.sar/portal-identity.sar/conf/identity-ui-configuration.xml as shown here:



	<!-- user interface components -->
		<ui-component name="givenname">
		<ui-component name="familyname">

Due to the differentiation between subscription-mode and admin-subscription-mode it is possible to require e-mail validation and approval for new registrations and e-mail validation only when a user is created in the user management portlet.

The following three examples describe common use cases for customizing the User Portlet.

This example explains how to change optional properties to required properties, of course once this is done, we will also need to add the corresponding fields in the registration page.
Here are the modifications in portal-identity.sar/conf/identity-ui-configuration.xml, we simply changed the required element to true on our two fields corresponding to the given and family names.

	<!-- user interface components -->
		<ui-component name="givenname">
		<ui-component name="familyname">

Now that we changed those values to "required" we need to give a chance to the user to enter those values, here are the changes done in portal-identity.sar/portal-identity.war/WEB-INF/jsf/common/register.xhtml

	<h:outputText value="#{bundle.IDENTITY_GIVENNAME}"/>
  	<h:inputText id="givenname" value="#{manager.uiUser.attribute.givenname}"
  	<h:panelGroup />
  	<h:message for="givenname" />

  	<h:outputText value="#{bundle.IDENTITY_FAMILYNAME}"/>
  	<h:inputText id="lastname"  value="#{manager.uiUser.attribute.familyname}"
  	<h:panelGroup />
  	<h:message for="lastname"/>

That's it - from now on the given name and family name will be required on registration. We dynamically obtain the values from the descriptor. Now if i just wanted to make them back to optional, i would change the values only in the descriptor, letting the user enter or not those values.

If the data to enter is a choice instead of a free-text value, you can also define those in the descriptor like shown here:

	<!-- user interface components -->
		<ui-component name="interests">
				<value key="board">snowboarding</value>
				<value key="ski">skiing</value>
				<value key="sledge">sledging</value>

In portal-identity.sar/portal-identity.war/WEB-INF/jsf/common/profile.xhtml - change inputText to a selectOneMenu:

	<h:outputText value="#{bundle.IDENTITY_INTERESTS}"/>
	<h:selectOneMenu id="interests" value="#{manager.uiUser.attribute.interests}"
	<f:selectItems value="#{metadataservice.interests.values}" />
  	<h:panelGroup />
	<h:message for="interests"/>

For localizing dynamic values it is also possible to use the resource bundle. This can be done by adding the key with a prefix (to i.e. Identity.properties) like in the following listing. The key will be stored in the users property and is used to identify the element. The value of the configuration file will only be used if no localization information is found.

IDENTITY_DYNAMIC_VALUE_BOARD=localized snowboarding


Please make sure you read at least the section about user profile configuration: Section 17.3, “User profile configuration”, to add a new value on the interface it also has to be defined in your model, as shown on Step 1.

step 1: add a new property to profile-config.xml e.g. a dynamic property called gender:

      <display-name xml:lang="en">Gender</display-name>
      <description xml:lang="en">The gender</description>


It is recommended to use the 'User Information Attribute Names' from the Portlet Specification for defining properties.

step 2: add the property to the identity-ui-configuration: (portal-identity.sar/conf/identity-ui-configuration.xml)

	<ui-component name="gender">
			<value key="male">Male</value>
			<value key="female">Female</value>


The property-ref must match a property from the profile-config.xml.

step 3: add your custom ui-component to the profile page: (portal-identity.sar/portal-identity.war/WEB-INF/jsf/profile.xhtml)

	<h:outputText value="#{bundle.IDENTITY_GENDER}"/>
	<h:selectOneMenu id="gender" value="#{manager.uiUser.attribute.gender}"
		<f:selectItems value="#{metadataservice.gender.values}" />
  	<h:panelGroup />
	<h:message for="gender"/>


Don't forget to add the localization elements.

The JSF-View in more detail:

The process definitions are located in: portal-identity.sar/conf/processes. To create a custom workflow, you can extend the existing process description file: custom.xml.

Available variables in the business process:

  • name: portalURL
    type: java.lang.String
    description: represents the full url of the portal e.g. http://localhost:8080/portal

  • name: locale
    type: java.util.Locale
    description: the requested locale at registration

  • name: email
    type: java.lang.String
    description: the e-mail address of the user in case of registration.
    In case of changing the e-mail the new e-mail address.

  • name: user
    type: org.jboss.portal.core.identity.services.workflow.UserContainer
    description: Seralizable Object containing user information through the jBPM process

  • name: validationHash
    type: java.lang.String
    description: hash used for the validation part. Only available after executing SendValidationEmailAction


Make sure that the filename and the process name match! e.g. conf/processes/custom.xml and process-definition name="custom".

When using a custom workflow it is possible to customize the status message after registering in the locale bundle: ( e.g. portal-identity.sar/conf/bundles/Identity.properties)


For further information take a look at the jBPM documentation on Duration.

Due to the fact that the former user portlets are still included in JBoss Portal 2.6.2 it is possible to activate it in the Portal Admin interface, by using the PortletInstances: