Interface PathWorkspace

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractWritablePathWorkspace, FileSystemRepository.FileSystemWorkspace

public interface PathWorkspace

Method Summary
 Path getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
          Find the lowest existing node along the path.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the workspace.
 PathNode getNode(Path path)
          Returns the node at the given path, if one exists of null if no exists at the given path.
 void lockNode(PathNode node, LockBranchRequest.LockScope lockScope, long lockTimeoutInMillis)
          Attempts to lock the given node with the given timeout.
 QueryResults query(ExecutionContext context, AccessQueryRequest accessQuery)
          Perform a query of this workspace.
 QueryResults search(ExecutionContext context, String fullTextSearchExpression)
          Perform a full-text search of this workspace.
 void unlockNode(PathNode node)
          Attempts to unlock the given node.

Method Detail


String getName()
Returns the name of the workspace. There can only be one workspace with a given name per repository.

the name of the workspace


PathNode getNode(Path path)
Returns the node at the given path, if one exists of null if no exists at the given path.

path - the path of the node to retrieve; may not be null
the node at the given path, if one exists of null if no exists at the given path.


void lockNode(PathNode node,
              LockBranchRequest.LockScope lockScope,
              long lockTimeoutInMillis)
              throws LockFailedException
Attempts to lock the given node with the given timeout. If the lock attempt fails, a LockFailedException will be thrown.

node - the node to be locked; may not be null
lockScope - the scope of the lock (i.e., whether descendants of node should be included in the lock
lockTimeoutInMillis - the maximum lifetime of the lock in milliseconds; zero (0) indicates that the connector default should be used
LockFailedException - if the implementing connector supports locking but the lock could not be acquired.


void unlockNode(PathNode node)
Attempts to unlock the given node.

node - the node to be unlocked; may not be null


Path getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
Find the lowest existing node along the path.

path - the path to the node; may not be null
the lowest existing node along the path, or the root node if no node exists on the path


QueryResults query(ExecutionContext context,
                   AccessQueryRequest accessQuery)
Perform a query of this workspace.

context - the context in which the query is to be executed; may not be null
accessQuery - the access query; may not be null
the query results, or null if the query is not supported


QueryResults search(ExecutionContext context,
                    String fullTextSearchExpression)
Perform a full-text search of this workspace.

context - the context in which the query is to be executed; may not be null
fullTextSearchExpression - the full-text search expression; may not be null
the query results, or null if the query is not supported

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