Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
org.modeshape.graph.query The Query API provides a mechanism for building and executing queries. 

Uses of QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder in org.modeshape.graph.query

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query that return QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
protected  QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.addOrdering(DynamicOperand operand)
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.depth(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the depth of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.depth(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the depth of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.fullTextSearchScore(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the full-text search score for the given table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.fullTextSearchScore(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the full-text search score for the given table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.length(String table, String property)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the length of the value for the given table and property.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.length(String table, String property)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the length of the value for the given table and property.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.nodeLocalName(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the local name of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.nodeLocalName(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the local name of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.nodeName(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the node name (including namespace) of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.nodeName(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the node name (including namespace) of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.orderBy()
          Obtain a builder that will create the order-by clause (with one or more Ordering statements) for the query.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.path(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the path of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.path(String table)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the path of the node given by the named table.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.propertyValue(String table, String property)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the value for the given table and property.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.propertyValue(String table, String property)
          Adds to the order-by clause by using the value for the given table and property.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.referenceValue(String table)
          Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for any of the node's reference properties.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.referenceValue(String table)
          Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for any of the node's reference properties.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder.referenceValue(String table, String property)
          Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder.referenceValue(String table, String property)
          Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
 QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder.then()
          An optional convenience method that returns this builder, but which makes the code using this builder more readable.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.query with parameters of type QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder(QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder builder, Order order)

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